Police State
Police State
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Newsitem List

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imageProtest against US DEA Terrorism held at CA State Capitol
by aztc
Early images of protest held today in Sacramento demanding the US DEA leave medical marijuana patients alone....
Posted: Mon, Sep 23, 2002 3:16pm PDT
imageOct. 19 Demonstration Against Prisons
by CPF
Posted: Tue, Sep 17, 2002 4:34pm PDT
textOakland Youth Against Iraq War and Police at Home by anarchoreposter
Hundreds of youth from the Bay Area will gather to speak out against sending troops to Iraq and adding 100 more cops to the Oakland police force....
Posted: Fri, Sep 13, 2002 2:30pm PDT
by Stephen Dunifer
Many cities in the Bay Area have police review boards. These administrative bodies are supposed to assist individuals with resolving complaints against the police. However, when individuals appear before these boards without legal representation, they are at a severe disadvantage because the police are always represented by lawyers...
Posted: Wed, Sep 4, 2002 4:17pm PDT
textLA and the Bay: Transgenders Sue Police, Beauty School by Carolina
San Francisco Transgendered Man Files $25 Million Suit Against Law Enforcement Officials; Transgendered Woman Sues Los Angeles Beauty School...
Posted: Thu, Aug 22, 2002 6:26pm PDT
textGNN video on Berkeley Copwatch by friend of GNN & Copwatch
Guerrilla News Network on Berkeley Copwatch, a all-volunteer collective documenting cases of police abuse and educating you on the rights those in power would prefer you weren't aware of...not that they're respected anyway of course......
Posted: Mon, Aug 19, 2002 11:47pm PDT
textPlease Help - Solidarity Needed in Northern Cali by Donovan Jackson Justice Committee
Court date for man who videotaped police assaulting 16-year old...
Posted: Thu, Aug 15, 2002 3:17am PDT
text'Oakland Riders' Trial Delayed for Months by Wendy Snyder
Demonstration Held Last Monday to Keep Issues at the Forefront...
Posted: Wed, Jul 17, 2002 1:28pm PDT
text7/16 in Auburn: Hearing for Mitchell Crooks by California taxpayer
Mitchell Crooks, the videographer of the police beating in Los Angeles, will appear on July 16 at 1 pm in Auburn, CA at 2775 Richardson Drive, the Placer County Finance and Administration Building....
Posted: Tue, Jul 16, 2002 4:49am PDT
text2002 Prisoner Art Show Accepting Submissions by PARC
IMAGINING A WORLD WITHOUT PRISON November 10 - December 1, 2002 BLACK BOX - 1928 Telegraph ave, downtown Oakland...
Posted: Mon, Jul 15, 2002 2:55pm PDT
textPolice laughed as they beat my son by San Francisco Bay View Newspaper
On Friday evening, June 28, my daughter and my sister and I went grocery shopping and then to visit our sister at Laguna Honda Hospital. When we returned to our house......
Posted: Sat, Jul 13, 2002 8:39pm PDT
textOakland Riders Trial Demo and Press Conference by InPDUM Oakland
Come and demonstrate at the opening of the Oakland Riders trial this coming Monday, July 15th at 9am at the Alameda County Courthouse, 1221 Oak St....
Posted: Thu, Jul 11, 2002 3:16pm PDT
textJuly 11: Berkeley Rally Opposing Fascism in USA by Anti-Fascist
Stop Fascism in America! Come to a support rally for Lynne Stewart, an attorney falsely accused under the "Patriot" Act and threatened with 40 years in jail; for a class action lawsuit for 2000 detainees of Middle East origin and to oppose the biggest attempt at silencing dissent since the Fascist Era of the 1950s in the US....
Posted: Thu, Jul 4, 2002 7:02pm PDT
textSF Event July 17: Forum on LGBT prisoners by TIP/HIP Committee, California Prison Focus
LOCKED OUT: Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgenders Behind Bars...
Posted: Mon, Jul 1, 2002 2:41pm PDT
textMay Day Cop Saboteur Spotted. License Plate #? by Accidental Counter-COINTELPRO
Saw someone who looked like the infamous BPD “undercover” cop - the one who did the pushing of IMC journalist into a police line (Berkeley, May Day 2002)......
Posted: Fri, Jun 28, 2002 3:28pm PDT
Speakout on POLICE REPRESSION in WEST OAKLAND Think you're innocent until proven guilty?? NOT IN OAKLAND!!...
Posted: Thu, Jun 27, 2002 12:12pm PDT
textSloppy Justice in Oakland Car Seizure Programs by Roger White
This essay describes the on going crackdown on civil liberties against Black and Brown motorists in Oakland in the name of the drug war. It also invites folks to a speak-out on police repression and the drug war on June 27th at Defremery Park in West Oakland 7:00. Call 415-364-1870
Posted: Wed, Jun 19, 2002 5:53pm PDT
textFairfax pot club needs your support! by Susie-Q
Fairfax Planning Commission wants to give in to US-wide pressure to close pot club- go Thurs night to voice your support for keeping it open!...
Posted: Wed, Jun 19, 2002 1:13pm PDT
textShame is a tactic we need by stealing my government?
arrest, prosecution, conviction and imprisonment are all shame tactics. we can use shame tactics, too. legally, strategically. though we cannot detain the body of the offender as police do, we can make Wanted posters & put them up in public places...
Posted: Tue, Jun 18, 2002 9:54pm PDT
videoRemember Idriss II (video/quicktime 18.9MB) by Bill Carpenter
After the rally at the Metreon, relatives, friends and supporters of the police victims marched to City Hall. June 13, 2002. 4min 13MB...
Posted: Tue, Jun 18, 2002 9:29am PDT
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