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Klamath River film night in Arcata, this Friday night

by Klamath Salmon Media Collaborative (klamath [at]
Films to Highlight Struggle to Bring the Klamath Salmon Home
Locals and Tribal leaders to present films, discuss dam removal efforts

Arcata, CA - Klamath River residents are coming to Arcata this Friday as the first stop in a string of multi-media events in California and Oregon to build support for efforts to remove dams and bring the Klamath salmon home.
Films to Highlight Struggle to Bring the Klamath Salmon Home
Locals and Tribal leaders to present films, discuss dam removal efforts

Arcata, CA - Klamath River residents are coming to Arcata this Friday as the first stop in a string of multi-media events in California and Oregon to build support for efforts to remove dams and bring the Klamath salmon home.

The Klamath dams are currently being re-licensed by PacifiCorp, a Portland based energy company. Instead of re-licensing, Klamath residents and Tribes are demanding that the dams be removed to open up over 350 miles of blocked salmon habitat and improve water quality.

“These dams have outlived their use,” stated Stormy Staats of the Klamath Salmon Media Collaborative. “They are a leading factor in the decline of salmon, support toxic algal blooms, and degrade the quality of our water. Our community will continue to organize support for dam removal until these dams are history!”

Currently all runs of Klamath Salmon are experiencing record low numbers, including Spring Chinook, a species that largely used the upper basin before dams blocked their habitat. Before the dams, Spring Chinook was the largest population of salmon in the Klamath.

Klamath residents have already hosted events and demonstrations for dam removal in Arcata, Portland, Sacramento, and Edinburgh, Scotland, home of PacifiCorp’s parent company Scottish Power.

"We look forward to this opportunity to share with the coastal community the story of our struggle to bring our salmon home to the Klamath," said Ron Reed, Karuk Cultural Biologist.

This is a free event and all people are invited to join us to learn about the Klamath Salmon. . Local movies “Salmon on the Backs of Buffalo”, “Two Rivers” and “X’un” will be shown, local musicians will play, and dinner and snacks will be available for a donation.

This event will begin at 6:30 at the Old Creamery at 1251 9th street in Arcata on Friday, January 27th.

The Klamath Salmon Media Collaborative and the North Coast Environmental Center are sponsoring this event.
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