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Indybay Feature

Call Feinstein Today: Protect the Supreme Court

by NARAL Pro-Choice California
The reproductive rights of women in California and across the nation face ongoing challenges in 2006. NARAL Pro-Choice California is committed to strengthening and protecting the right to choose - and we need your help today.
The reproductive rights of women in California and across the nation face ongoing challenges in 2006. NARAL Pro-Choice California is committed to strengthening and protecting the right to choose - and we need your help today.

Working in coalition with Californians for Fair and Independent Judges, today, January 6, NARAL Pro-Choice California is taking our message directly to Washington, D.C. to ensure that California's voices are heard as the U.S. Senate considers Samuel Alito's nomination to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court.

NARAL Pro-Choice California is depending on you - our most active volunteers - to join us on this very important day of action:

TODAY: Please call Senator Feinstein's offices (number below)

San Francisco Los Angeles
(415) 393-0707 (310) 914-7300

San Diego Fresno
(619) 231-9712 (559) 485-7430

A sample talking point is:
"I am calling to urge the Senator to oppose the nomination of Samuel Alito to the United States Supreme Court. Based on his alarming record regarding the right to privacy and other civil liberties, I urge the senator to vote NO on Alito in committee and encourage her colleagues to do the same."

Click here to read up on Samuel Alito's anti-choice legal philosophy:
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by Thanks To Feinstein
There is something deeply disturbing to me about this post even though it may have been posted with the best of intentions.

What disturbs me is that we are asked to look to Dianne Feinstein for help.

What help is she?

She helped facilitate our illegal, criminal war in Iraq that has killed and maimed thousands of our own American children-- not to mention the many more thousands of innocent Iraqi children who died under both the Clinton and Bush administrations.

Beware of those asking for help-- when the one you seek help from is a is a killer with blood on her hands.

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