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Indybay Feature


by Karin (peoplesrevolutionaryorganization [at]
anti-war sit in at a army recruitment center, petaluma [sonoma county]
The Peoples Revolutionary Organization, based in Petaluma [Sonoma County], staged its second sit-in at the local Army Recruitment Center Friday, July 8th in solidarity with the called National Day of Action to uphold civil liberties--thus practice them!

We began with signed letters in hand that demanded an end to the Recruiters presence in our schools/communities because of their recruitment of our community members to kill, be killed, occupy, execute illegal practices, terrorize and fuel the machine of aggression and imperialism. The conclusion of our letter was essentially brought to life by our action to shut down the facility, and enforce that until are demands are met, in full, we will use all the means that are available to us to prevent the Army Recruiters from doing their job.

With letters in hand, ready to be read in unison to those present, a locked door to the entrance of the Recruitment center denied P.R.O. and about 12 supporters to follow through with the planned sit-in. Improvisation is essential in most social situations, thus a sit-in was iniated outside the building, leaving the Recruiters locked inside quite bewildered. We stopped four young adults from attending their appointments and eventually the Recruiters left the office, about four hours before the claimed closing time. There was much support from bystanders and those driving by. The press did show up and plans to publish coverage in their upcoming issues.

This event was beyond successful in a sense that we established a presence in the community, gained support and contacts from many individuals and the press, planning was not too vigorous and the Recruitment Center was locked up by those working and shut down for the day!

If anyone has any questions or comments on how to plan a similar action or wants to work with P.R.O. please feel free to contact us at peoplesrevolutionaryorganization [at]

by Karin (peoplesrevolutionaryorganization [at]
twas a threat of legal issues if we did not stop blocking the entrance..yet was not followed through before recruiters shut down and left shop..!
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by DLi
Great Job, Peace actives in Petaluma! Hope you can do it again soon. Thank you for "sitting down" on Evil Empire's dreams. Hope many more across the nation will follow your courageous examples!

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