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Indybay Feature

Raging Grannies Protest at National Guard Armory

by David Sabin (deadalbatross [at]
The Raging Grannies protest Governor Schwarzenegger's recent actions to have a National Guard unit spy on them and other like-minded anti-war groups.
July 1, 2005, the Raging Grannies showed up at the National Guard Armory in Redwood City to deliver tea and cookies to the boys in uniform. The San Jose Mercury News reported that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had ordered a National Guard unit, otherwise dedicated to anti-terrorism activity, to engage in surveillance against anti-war activists. The Governor's primary targets were such incredibly non-threatening groups like the Raging Grannies, Code Pink, and Gold Star Families.
The Grannies highlighted the fact that our National Guard has been depleted by unnecessary wars overseas. The Grannies sang protest songs and engaged in a little street theater with a pumped up Ahnold in a giant cardboard face. The Grannies gently teased the hapless faux-Gubernator for being afraid of grannies and doing the dirty work of his friend George Bush.
§Grannies sing
by David Sabin (deadalbatross [at]
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by caty
The Grannies are always doing a needed performance. Now its up to the boys in uniform to scrap the war machine and free the grannies that way. Last I heard the war machine since 1945 has cost seven trillion dollars (U.S.) and over 100 million lives in Asia , Africa, and Latin America. Some laughs eh, funny how freedom and democracy costs so much. Next thing you know the govenor will be pardoning the brownshirts for doing the same thing in Germany like his father did.


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