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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Oakland: vote on pesticide ordinance POSTPONED to 3/22

The pesticide ordinance was to be discussed at the
Public Works Committee meeting today, but was pulled
from the agenda at the last minute, and postponed
until March 22, 12:30pm.
Hello Everyone.

The pesticide ordinance was to be discussed at the
Public Works Committee meeting today, but was pulled
from the agenda at the last minute, and postponed
until March 22, 12:30pm. Because the requirement for
an Environmental Impact Report has been added to the
ordinance, and probably also because the new version
does not address concerns previously voiced by
Councilmember Nancy Nadel, who chairs the Public Works
Committee, the ordinance will be reworked for the next
phase of the discussion. This means that this item
will NOT be discussed at next week's City Council
meeting, March 15, but will also be postponed there
until at least March 29.

To give you an idea of how the ordinance has been
amended at this time, the City's claim that "spraying"
is not implied by it has been invalidated completely
as they now describe the process as involving
"spritzing"... If you look it up in the dictionary it
clearly defines spritzing = spraying. So far the
edibles have not been removed from the list of plants
to be treated, either. These are only two of the
serious points of contention, and the bottom line
remains: Pesticides are poisons which are supposedly
banned on Oakland's public property. I'll be sending
out announcements for the next meetings where public
comments can be made to City official, and hope some
of you can make it out to support the effort to keep
this ordinance from being passed. In the meantime
please check out for details
on this and other pesticide issues. As always, you may
also contact Maxina Ventura at
beneficialbug [at] or (510) 895-2312, or find
me here or at (510) 444-0193.

Be well,
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by b
They will wait you out, and grind you down.
by klass war
How many hundreds of thousands of iraquis lie dead? How many people die of hunger? How much depleted uranium is laying on the ground? How many people die of AIDS in Africa? All you can worry about is pesticide on the organic grass in shitty old Oakland. Go back to the hills, hippy.
by Wolverine
Actually, the issue of whether pesticides should be eliminated is far more important than any of the issues you raised, with the possible exception of depleted uranium. The other issues deal with a small percentage of an overpopulated species. Re depleted uranium, it's already there, so I don't see an issue unless you want to send it into the sun. Re dead Iraquis, war is bad for all species and the Iraquis murdered by the U.S. and its lackeys were unjustly killed. However, pesticides poison everything, not just humans.
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