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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Fur Free Friday in Santa Rosa

by Alexandra Bury
Friday, November 26 was Fur Free Friday, a day when activists from all over the country protest the killing of animals for their fur. This year's protest highlighted the brutal slaughter of seals for their fur and how this ugly trade relates to all fur-bearing animals.
This demonstration, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. outside Santa Rosa Mall, was at the intersection of Fourth and B streets in downtown Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, Calif.

For more information about PETA's Fur Campaign, check out
§gruesome reenactment for the shoppers
by Alexandra Bury
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by no more fur on Neiman's racks!
Looks like a great demo; thanks for the pictures. Keep up the good work!

*(And watch out for the people who will likely post comments here trying to bait you into a fight! They just want attention.It's best to ignore them unless they're interested in an actual dialogue. See the string of ridiculous haters on the San Jose fur free Friday protest story).
by street theater
here's a short clip of the street theater demonstration....
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