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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Leroy Moore Responds to Shooting of Disabled Man

by Leroy Moore
Many facts are missing in Boyd shooting! If the media
want to go back in his history that really has nothing
to do with Wed shooting than lets talk about why Boyd
didn't recieve peer counseling after he became
disabled in 1993.
Leroy F. Moore Jr.
sfdamo [at]

Leroy here,

Many facts are missing in Boyd shooting! If the media
want to go back in his history that really has nothing
to do with Wed shooting than lets talk about why Boyd
didn't recieve peer counseling after he became
disabled in 1993. In the SF Chronicle today it said
he refused treatment which I don't believe. If so
what kind of treatment? His disability happen in
1993 and he hasn't had any peer counseling, therapy or
other services since that date? If so the system led
Boyd down this path! When weathy white people become
disabled they get all kinds of counseling an services
i.e. Christopher Revees.

If Boyd had no legs, how did he get out of the car.
He had to use his arms so when police wanted him to
raise his arms that would take away his mobility. His
mother said that police were always harrassing him.
The stress of becoming disabled and being harass by
cops with no service system has to be looked at.

There are many other facts that are missing, like was
he driving the car. If he was was the car adapt to
his disability. If it was, how can Boyd shoot at
officer from behind while driving. Many disabled
people that have adapted cars need their full
attention on what's in front of them when they have
disabled limbs.

Was the gun planted and how can Boyd follow the orders
of police to get on his knees when he doesn't have any
or to move away from the car when he was trying to
show police that he doesn't have any legs. Once again
police were shouting many orfers all at once. Anyone
will know for a person that has a history of mental
health issues that Boyd mother said he had, will know
you don't fire off many orders all at once. What
happen to there police crisiss training?

In today society police burtality in becoming the
number one cause of disability among people of color
and number one cause of death of people of color with
disabilities. While the media screws up the cases
involving people with disability, the system don't
provide needed services to newly disabled people of
color but the only way they get attention is in cases
like Boyd, Tims when it is way too

This is not good enough!!!!!!!!!

Leroy Moore Jr.
sfdamo [at]

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