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Indybay Feature

Fight for Clean Elections Enforce Election Laws Prosecute the Offenders

by All of the S.F Communities (Clean The Election House)
Fight for Clean Elections Enforce Election Laws Prosecute the Offenders of our Civil Liberties. We want our Votes Represented.
Fight for Clean Elections Enforce Election Laws Prosecute the Offenders

All of the S. F Communities

We need to push for Election Law Enforcement and Election Reform.
Each time we let one of these crooked biased elections be adopted it cost us hundred of hours if not thousand of hours trying to correct the damage to our communities and in the some cases the person we want not being placed in office to represent us. If we are proactive up front and make sure our elections are clean we will be able to use our energy on other important matters. We need to make sure all the election laws are enforced, make sure our voter rolls are purged of dead people, and people who have moved. That is a civic responsibility if we push for enforcement it will take place, if the City Administrator doesn’t do his job he can be and should be removed from office. March elections are a short time away if we push now we should be able to have a clean election. Many people have told me they are tired and embarrassed about voter fraud in San Francisco, if we truly have the highest education standard in the country what does it say about us if we cannot correct this problem. This is not Florida so let’s take this nasty problem to task, let’s demand clean up of our voter rolls as a start. If our civic workers don’t want to do the job we should replace them with people who can.
On Voter Reform we should push for some form of ID or PIN number to identify to identify a truly legitimate registered voter, not someone voting for special interest from the grave or someone voting as someone else. A tightening up of Absentee and Provisional Ballots so that they become fraud proof. Get active make your voice heard say hell not to Election Fraud tell the City to clean up the Voter Rolls, if not replace from the City Administrator down through the Elections Department, and send the violators to Jail. We want Clean Elections
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Check The Records
Mon, Jan 26, 2004 10:48PM
Mon, Jan 26, 2004 5:52PM
good luck
Mon, Jan 26, 2004 5:28PM
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