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March and Rally for a Free Palestine

by David Hanks, Global Exchange (david [at]
March and Rally for a Free Palestine
San Francisco - Thousands of people joined in an international day of action calling attention to the Palestinian cause and to also speak out against a new war on Iraq.

There were two rallies on Saturday - one at Dolores Park, followed by a march to the Civic Center in front of City Hall where the second rally was held. The rallies and march were sponsored by Justice in Palestine Coalition, which is made up of many local organizations, with this platform:

"No New War Against Iraq: The US war and twelve years of sanctions have killed over 1,000,000 Iraqi people, many of them children. Two chief weapons inspectors have resigned over the fraudulent policy of sanctions. Lift the sanctions now.

"Stop US Aid to Israel: Between five to 12 billion dollars in annual US aid funds massacres, home demolitions, the closure of cities and schools and ongoing displacement. Redirect those dollars for education, health, and other needed services. This is also the 20th Anniversary, Sabra & Shatila Massacre and the 2nd Anniversary, Al-Aksa Intifada.

"Divest from Israel Now: Exercise your power to make a difference. Boycott Israeli-made goods. Boycott US companies that invest in Israeli companies and do business with Israel. Divest universities from companies doing business with Israel.

"Support Palestinian People's Right to Return: Israel's campaign of displacement has made the Palestinians the largest refugee population in the world. Uphold United Nations resolution 194 calling for the right to return."

§March and Rally for a Free Palestine
by David Hanks, Global Exchange (david [at]
Maggie Amanne and her friend Lanah Usary of San Francisco (middle photo) marched "to support the Palestinian cause because (her) grandfather's land was taken from him in 1948 and (her) cousin was killed by Israeli soldiers."
§March and Rally for a Free Palestine
by David Hanks, Global Exchange (david [at]
Ayat Eiltagi and her mother Lamia Eiltagi (lower photo) came from Los Angeles to participate. Ayat stated that she just wants to see an end to the occupation and that, "we're not going to put up with it any more." She added, "we are always going to walk with pride in our hearts because we know one day Palestine will be free."
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