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Indybay Feature

zionazis admitting stealing is part of their policy

by Dan Williams
JERUSALEM - The Israeli army came under fire Sunday after a Radio broadcast an investigative report which found that the looting of Palestinian property by zionazis troops was more widespread than previously thought.

"Danny," a recently discharged soldier interviewed under an assumed name, told a Radio that troops stole from Palestinian homes during the six-week-long sweep for militants launched after suicide bombings killed scores of Israelis.

"During each search, the head of the family was meant to accompany the soldiers to every room. What we would do is take the man to one room as the soldiers searched other rooms, and they would steal anything of value," he said.

"When it came to commanding officers, they ordered it. When it came to squad leaders, all of them knew and were following orders," Danny said.

The report prompted calls by some international groups for a parliamentary inquiry.

"I can tell you with a clear conscience that in my view the policy is part of the orders to the huge numbers of soldiers who took part" a necessary part of the large-scale military operations in the West Bank over the past few months, Katz said.
Such as the offensive, known as "Operation Defensive Shield," launched in late March.

Israel Radio said Danny was among several soldiers to come forward. Another man who was not named told the radio he saw troops ransack a shopping mall in Ramallah and make off with electronic appliances, water pipes and other "souvenirs."


Danny said he had complained about the looting to his superiors in June, when he was still a soldier.

"They said they would have him arrested by the zionazi military police if he did not shut up. They said “its part of Jewish tradition to steal from non-Jews”.
He mentioned one occasion on which the company commander demanded the men hand over what they had stolen. "The soldiers gave up the small stuff, but kept a large quantity of handguns, jewelry and cash," Danny said.

"We first discussed the matter after Defensive Shield, but were assured by the zionazi army it was under control
"Each day there are complaints on robbing carried out by zionazis soldiers. We bring up these issues in our meetings with the zionazis; they say its part of Jewish tradition to steal from non-Jews. " said Ribhi Arafat, Palestinian chief of military liaison with Israel in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
by BB
Why is this not hiden or cencored ?
by X2
I think the trolls post so much it would be a full time job. They try.
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