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Indybay Feature

Bush wants to rape Cascadia's forests

by John Phillip (cnp4cascadia [at]
Bush does a great job in pissing off Oregonians!
The idea that Bush wants to "thin out" the forest is the most ludicrous and insanely wreckless idea he has had and how dare he uses the forest fires in Oregon to justify his point.

Bush claims that thining out the forest will create safe areas for population but there is no real proof of this as fact. The truth of the matter he wants to give logging companies "carte blanche" to go in and rip up hundreds of acres of forests thus creating blight to the local ecosystem of our lands.

With the movement growing to loosen up land management laws in Oregon and now this, Oregonians must fight very hard to protect their precious environment from rape by developers and the logging industry. If they win, you will have huge pockets of blight and chaotic urban sprawl just like what is happening in Washington state.

In Washington, the regulations and laws that are suppose to be "protecting" our forests and rural lands have no real teeth and are simply window dressing. The companies and industries have the government of the state of Washington in their back pocket. This is why we have all of the problems we are having. The powers in Olympia are going from the same play book the Californians went by years ago and we know what happened to California. There is a prime example of what not to do in land management.

My hope is Oregon won't follow the same perilous path that California and Washington have taken.

John Phillip

Cascadian National Party (CNP)
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Bush Is A Moron
Sat, Aug 24, 2002 1:17PM
Bush Is A Moron
Sat, Aug 24, 2002 1:17PM
Bush Is A Moron
Sat, Aug 24, 2002 12:45PM
Bush Is A Moron
Sat, Aug 24, 2002 12:43PM
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