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Indybay Feature

COINTELPRO on Democracy Now 6/5/02

by Amy Fan
Democracy NOW! for June 5, 2002 featured the history of the FBI and its COINTELPRO covert action programs to disrupt, misdirect and neutralize dissident political groups and movements. Listen online.
Democracy NOW! for June 5, 2002 featured the history of the FBI and its COINTELPRO covert action programs to disrupt, misdirect and neutralize dissident political groups and movements. It's very informative and highly recommended! You can listen to the show online from the Democracy Now! archive.

First story: Snoops, Snitches, and Provocateurs: As Congress launches an investigation into the response to September 11th, a look at the tactics of the FBI and CIA.

Second story: : "Me and My Shadow": A history of the FBI's covert operations and COINTELPRO featuring a 1976 Pacifica documentary with interviews of former FBI infiltrators and agent provocateurs, including David Sannes, who says the FBI planned to have a Seattle radical killed by a booby trap bomb that he would be blamed for.

You can read details about the show and listen to either segment or the entire 1-hr. show via RealAudio from:
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by Eyore
Get a life!! Times have changed and if you don't realize that we must adapt, we'll soon be living in a muslim state where very few have any rights. Check out the states that have become muslim controlled,
Stoning to death of the woman for adultery, with the man receiving lots less. You think free speech is threatened, wait till they take you away and with no US Constitution to help you. Our system is not perfect and challenging the status quo is healthy. However what I see in some of the postings makes me wonder what planet I am on.
by cp
You wonder what planet you're on? your comments clearly suggest that you aren't on earth, if you think that muslims are about to malevolently take over the government.
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