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Appalachian Floods caused by US ARMY?

by Associated Press
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued permits to conduct mountaintop coal miningin which tops of ridges in Appalachia are sheared off and the dirt and rock are pushed into nearby streams. Now they have flash floods. Hmmmmm..........
May 8, 2002, 4:24 PM EDT

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- A federal judge on Wednesday ordered the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to stop issuing the permits needed to conduct mountaintop coal mining, in which the tops of ridges in Appalachia are sheared off and the dirt and rock are pushed into nearby streams.

Environmentalists have bitterly objected to the practice.

The order represents the second time since 1999 that U.S. District Judge Charles Haden II has ruled on the issue. A federal appeals court overturned Haden's earlier ruling, saying he lacked jurisdiction because the underlying lawsuit involved a state agency.

Wednesday's ruling was issued instead against the Army Corps of Engineers, a federal agency.

The ruling stems from a lawsuit filed against the corps in February by the group Kentuckians for the Commonwealth.

Copyright © 2002, The Associated Press

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