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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Tree sitter dies in fall.

by Davey
Last night 22 year old Beth O'Brien died in a fall from a tree sit at Eagle
Beth O'Brien has been a mainstay of youth activism in Sonoma County since
the early 90's, she's participated in countless demo's, organized a zine
fair, booked dozens of shows, founded the latest Santa Rosa Food Not Bombs
and been an active part of the solution for as long as I've known her.  She
died Friday defending the forest at Eagle Creek. What follows is a press release from Cascadia
Forest Alliance.

contact: Kim Marks, Sarah Wald,
Tim Ream, Rolf Skar: (503) 235-8270

3 pm Press Conference at 1817 SE 12th Portland OR (3 blocks south of
Hawthorne on 12th, upper doorbell - Pink & Blue 2 story house).

Last night 22 year old Beth O'Brien died in a fall from a tree sit at Eagle
Creek. We are a community shocked and saddened by Beth's tragic death.

Years of community efforts, heralded by direct action, have protected the
Eagle Creek area thus far. Beth's death came as we were preparing to take
down the tree sits upon receipt of a signed legally binding contract
canceling the sales. This document is expected to be signed by the Bush
Administration early next week.

Tree-sitting is a risk taken to protect our remaining native forest from
destruction. It is a tragedy that such risks must be taken. While we
recognize the dangers inherent in tree-sitting, we take safety seriously.
Tree-sitters and tree-climbing trainers are taught the best safety available
and constantly stress the importance of conveying safety protocols to
others. This tragic accident results because communities must risk their
lives to protect their land.

The timeline of events leading to the accident are as follows. For two hours
Beth and two companions snow shoed into the area with supplies. At 7pm,
after climbing to a height of 150 feet Beth fell from a rope ladder between
platforms. She did not use a safety connection that was available. She
survived the impact. Emergency services were called by cell phone
immediately. First responders did not arrive on the scene until two
and-one-half hours later. She was pronounced dead upon examination.

We view Beth's death in a tradition of courageous action to defend life that
extends through decades of non-violent protest in the US and abroad.

A candlelight vigil in Beth's memory is scheduled for Mt. Tabor City Park
tomorrow, Sunday at sunset
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by Jason
Feeling sorry for her is like having pity on any other common burglar who breaks into a house, slips, and dies.

Too bad, but to the environmentalist, plants have rights, humans do not.
by eartha
love and compassion for all beings is what brings peace to the planet, included are burglars. however tree sitters are protecting for the next seven generations living beings as old as the ages for all our children to experience. and i am grateful
by anon
>I wonder about people who don't relate to other humans, but can relate to inanimate trees and rocks, etc.

well, some of us don't look at humans and "inanimate trees and rocks, etc." as separate (in other words, humans are a part of nature and feeling a connection to trees et. al. doesn't preclude having meaningful relationships with humans.

further, i don't see anything wrong with people doing environmental activism -- and ya know, if you think that soup kitchens and being a big sister or brother is the best way to engage politically, i encourage you to do it, and let other people choose their own forms of engagement.

by anon
"Beth O'Brien ... founded the latest Santa Rosa Food Not Bombs".

Food Not Bombs serves food to hungry and homeless people.
by Mary Hafer
So to those of you who believe the earth was created around humans, time to understand. Humans exist because the earth creates a sustainable enviornment. Trees create your oxygen. As the mother of a tree-sitter, I so proud of her. How can anyone, enviormentalist or not, look at a 2,000 year old tree and think we would all be better off if it were a garage. My sympathy to Beth's family and forest family. Her efforts will be rewarded everytime another ancient tree is saved from a chainsaw.
by J DaWolf
Beth was a brave person who chose her own way of trying to make a positve difference to this world, to accuse someone of caring more for plants then humans is quite ridiculous, and childish..

I think that you will find people like Beth care about our enviornment and have a deep love and respect for the life that its supports...human or otherwise...

Its a matter of respect for life ( yes Jason - I include humans..pleb... ) and a selfless vision of the future and what it could become...some people have it, some do not...Beth quite obviously did, and with her life she made a positive difference to this, rapidly shrinking, planet..

Most people don't give a feck about anything except themselves, and they continue to believe the bullshit that they are fed by the media/government/multi-nationals. They buy those baubles of babylon. They sit on their arses and complain like spoilt greedy children....

Some people - like Beth - affect a positive change in our world, and are intelligent, caring, and forward - thinking individuals.

We need more Beths on this tiny sphere, or we are going to perish....

Love, life and unity to you all, and my deep sympathy and thoughts go out to Beths' family and friends.

Peace. J xx
by mbielec
if a treesitter falls in the forest does anyone care

has anyone considered the trauma the poor tree has had to endure knowing that he/she? is responsible for this poor moron's death?

do we need to call a tree surgeon or a tree shrink to console the tree.

talk about returning to mother earth. how about at terminal velocity.
by broken_johnny_bones (broken_johnny_bone [at]
Some people have some nerve, this girl died, and yet you talk shit. All i have to say is karma when you choke to death because there are no trees to make oxygen. This girl was doing a good thing, shame on you!
by you despicable scum
Do it some more. Show the whole world what kind of scum you are.
by Karma-chameleon
The stupid will be punished. It's called "Natural Selection".

Anyone know how to get a one armed tree siting moron down?

Just wave to her.
by Andy caffrey
It's hippie come-and-have-a-blast recruitment efforts started in Northern California that have gotten the cult of base camps off the ground. They have created an ambience of bliss uber alles at these camps which draw alienated and well-meaning young folks up into the trees where they are left at the mercy of, frequently, utter morons. Darryl Cherney, Judi Bari and Karen Pickett decided they could concentrate campaign power in 1995 by banning all other Headwaters Forest efforts except for the ones they directed. And the only way they could do that was to get people to come to their base camps. Then when Bari et al. had gotten the glory for the base camp direct action protests, they simply abandoned the camps to the inexperienced.

The next wave was when Julia Butterfly made tree-sitting "cool" especially for women. What she did was especially moving for young women. And Julia further encourages her "power of one" crap to this day, even merchandising t-shirts with that motto.

When Beth O'Brien died, these CFA cowards blamed the Forest Service (who obviously have some remote culpability), instead of blaming themselves for not having their shit together. If someone wants to Scuba dive 20 feet below sea level, they have to have a buddy who checks their gear and is personally responsible for their buddy's well being and even their survival. But is this happening 150 feet up in the air? Who was Beth's Buddy, and why didn't he or she make sure she was latched in before she walked across the rope ladder? If there was no buddy system, then why-the-hell-not? It was only below freezing, 2 and 1/2 hours from help, and 150-feet up in a tree!!!

And then there are Duff (James Ficklin) and Penny Andrews: get a fucking life before you kill any more! Duff and Penny make their livings videotaping these sitters. They jumped on the make-a-living-from-Butterfly money train by making a video, and never stopped. And so they recklessly recruit more and more of these Gypsies and O'Briens (and five others who have fallen in the last three years so far!) so they have something to make a movie out of and, therefore, make their own livings out of these sitters' hides. They now want you to go see their latest video Treesit, and for you to show it around, not worrying if they are feeding a cult that eats its own.

Oh, and then there is Dirt (Deanne Rimmerman), a dim-wit with the Eagle Creek campaign and several others, who goes around attacking activists for not being up in the trees doing "the real work."

Beth O'Brien was from Sonoma County in Northern California. I hold all of these people culpable in her death. Did Butterfly & Duff lure her to death? Was it Butterfly's message of the Power-of-One, or some of Duff's videos, or Beth's Oregon comrade Dirt's castigation of the not-so-hard-core that gave her the boost up into the tree and then turned their backs?
by laffing man

I'm glad the stupid cunt is dead.

by gruffydd (gruffydd [at]
What a profound message from Andy Caffrey above. It was worth slogging through the negative crap (including this last slack-jawed knuckle-draggin' cunt-hater) to get to this sheer eloquence. THIS is activism: strategic, eloquent, persuasive, common-sensical. Keep it up, Andy.

And to all retarded dicks before and after - I'll kick your ass just for being so stupid. If you can't express yourself, don't. And no, you don't have a right to your opinion. You wouldn't know an opinion if it bit you on your (just kicked by me) ass. So shut the fuck up jackals. Go feed on the carrion of your own kind.
by rooster
It's the left that is always accused of having no respect for life, and of hating one's fellow man. Well, now the truth comes out.

These people are to be pitied. How they must hate themselves.
by I've fallen and I can't get up
The Associated Press reported: "A tree sitter in the Mount Hood National Forest fell 150 feet to the ground, was badly injured and died before rescue crews could reach the remote site. Beth O'Brien of Portland, Ore., had been protesting a planned timber sale. Tree sitters live in plywood platforms attached to the upper limbs of trees slated for logging."

Wait a minute. They live on wood platforms? Can we be sure this was an accident and not a revenge killing? And if it was the latter--an act of terrorism--will the Forest Service address the root cause?
by Lisa
There is a lot of vile spewing forth here...the way I see it...a young woman died doing something that she thought would make a difference for us all in the future. Perhaps she was mislead...perhaps not prepared...but no matter what...her heart was in the right place...which is something I can't say for the most of you that have posted here. Shame on you...I pity you for your cold hearts.
by danny thomas
when any person dies in the course of doing what moves them. when what moves them is constructive and undamaging. you should show them only honor.

a honorable woman has died.

may her remains remingle with the dust of the stars. so that oneday she may be reborn as another of such honorable living.
by I Am B
To Jason,

I think you need to reconsider your heartlessness. Trees are not inanimate things. They're living creatures, just like you. They have a life and a history, just like you. They are born, have experiences, and die, just like you.

Trees are part of a complex community of life, and their life and health are directly tied to yours and those of your descendants and mine.

Moreover, this is not a question, as one comment put it, of humans relating more to "things" than to other humans. The issue is that humans who flippantly destroy the environment of our only home in this star system are arrogantly disregarding the life and feelings of many, many other humans who care about preserving that environment. This isn't just an aesthetic position, it's a practical one: the earth was the space we inherited (or the gods gave us, depending on your beliefs) for our life and well-being. If we destroy it, we lose everything.

We need to turn the criticism around: why do you and so many others have so little regard for those of us who have thought deeply about these issues and realized that we must protect the tiny percentage of habitat remaining on earth for all? You are the ones who are guilty of "not relating" to other humans. Trees are just the current medium of your blindness and arrogance.

No one protecting the tiny remaining ancient forest is in any way "stealing" from you. Quite the contrary, it is you (and others like you) who steal from us, and from Nature, and from your children and mine through willful destruction of everything on earth. You will end by stupidly destroying yourselves, too.

There are 3 kinds of stupidity: one is organic, and no one can do anything about that; the second is ignorance, and you (and only you) can change that; the third is willful ignorance (refusing to learn), and this is, I believe, the very definition of evil--those who do harm and refuse to acknowledge it, or worse yet, even enjoy it. Good evidence that arrogance and ignorance have the same root!

Please don't remain brainwashed and stupid. Take responsibility for yourself as a human being, and for other beings of all species. Humans have a chance to do the best thing that could ever be done on earth: we can save the world from destruction. Won't you help?
by Dani
I am amazed at the ignorance and hate I am reading here!

I knew this girl and am deeply hurt and incredibly offended by some of the sexist, egocentric and fucked up things some of you have written here.

Beth was not a "cunt". Beth was not a "stupid hippy".

She was an intelligent, educated, caring and devoted activist and HUMAN BEING, serving food to homeless people, organizing and trying to make the world better for assholes like you who don't know the first thing about showing an ounce of respect for a lost life.

I hope her mother doesn't see these comments...

And I hope that the ignorant, arrogant pigs who wrote such horrible things about her do not have children or ANY families of your own, for the sake of this planets future.

Peace and love to you, Beth. We'll miss you...
by Eli Galla (eli [at]
We're at war right now. This war is all around us. We're fighting the war of the unsustainable economy. What should be a democracy has turned, very noticably, into a pultcracy. So when a young woman devotes her life to trying to uphold the natural laws of portecting her Mother, who is in danger of having her children become exticnct (I mean the plants and animals of the Earth, because the ecosystem in so intrinsically intertwined that we all depend on the health of the environment for our quality of life)., some will discount her actions as being that of a burglar and a criminal. What is the real crime? Beth wasn't doing violence to the loggers or owners of the logging company. The patriarchy is a lie: ownership, violence, making contracts and keeping secrets from one another aren't keeping the affinity of the Mother inside of our minds, bodies, hearts and souls. The mainstream media would have us believe that any actions that don't conform with the parameters of being a good consumer, and going for the lies, are detrimental to the whole of humanity. The truth is that we're all here to learn lessons of what our true being is. We're going to die all too soon, so we need to provide a legacy to those who come after us. We need to learn from Beth's life and her death and put our thoughts and feelings into action.
by Alli
I know this line has gotten out of hand. Everybody has there cause. Beth's was the enviroment. People need to stop expecting each activist to do everything and respect them for what they are able to accomplish. Beth sounds like a great person who was able to do a lot of good for this world. Everybody has to move on in this life when the have finished their work. It saddens me that somebody had to die in this way. Hopefully it will change the movement and people will act more safely. My heart goes out to the people who knew her, especially her family. This is a great tragedy, please respect those in pain by not putting trash on this article list.

Deeply saddened,
by for yourself... or else
What the F??? I can't believe the moronic ramblings of some of these people. You may not agree with this young woman's politics, but she was a human being and worthy of our respect as such. True, she died becasue she made a mistake, perhaps due to her inexperience, but that does not make her a villain. It makes her the victim of a tragic accident. This is not the place for a discussion of politics, I'm sure you can find thousands of other threads on the net in which to enlighten us with your unique brand of social commentary.

I did not know Beth, but I send my sympathy to her family and friends.

Eric B.
Los Angeles

by P. Cadell
Dear, Dear Jojo....

She did a lot of things besides tree sit. Among them (just in Sonoma County) she helped to found the Santa Rosa Food Not Bombs, a zine fair, and a radical reading circle to allow people to educate each other.
Your mistake lies in that you are attacking a human being, a personality (I'm sure) who was as frail and imperfect as you or I could be. If you must, attack her actions, but not her.

Maybe you should rethink this whole eco-activism thing. Due to the inherent interconnectedness (not just in a spiritual sense) of life, by fighting for the protection of a few trees we are fighting for future human generations, for the people who live in the areas that will someday be effected by the loss of animal habitats and mudslides due to erosion. A few trees becomes a forest, a forest a continent. Instead of promoting and proposing sustainable jobs for the lumber workers, the government subsidises the extraction of trees, whether by road or by helicopter. In exchange, the politicians get campaign funding during their stint in office and corporate positions afterward. The working class, the poorer class, the next generations are left with fewer jobs, fewer natural resources, a ruined biosphere.
It's true that activism should begin in the community, but due to the intrinsic interconnectedness of our needs (globally and locally), every bit helps.
Beth was a beautiful person, I can talk from experience. She had a good heart and is someone I was proud to know.
Now, I want you to stop whining and complaining and to start getting off your ass and active!
by semp
1)Beth wasn't trespassing. She was defending the public's forest. That's right, every US taxpayer owns that forest. Not some private entity getting a taxpayers subsidy. The land Beth was on, was public property. Beth is a hero and died fighting for injustices that species don't have the voice to fight for.

2)Andy Caffrey is a bitter drunk. Andy, when's the last time you did something to protect the planet you alcoholic? Quit blaming everyone for when they take actions and accomplish something, because your jealous and sucking on the bottle. Andy, when's the last time you went 7 days without touching the bottle?

by joza

Well, in my experience Forest Defenders are some hard-drinking motherfuckers who probably could use psychological attention, but that doesn't mean they aren't up to good things. What I'm saying is don't point the finger, cuz if there weren't street kids willing to buck their white privilege, for whatever reason, to sit in trees, then we'd all be phuckt, no? Accusing Andy of being a bitter drunk is like calling Julia Butterfly a kook with a head injury. Yeah, and so what? Criticism is good, thought it is sad to see the republican necrophiliacs bringing their exploitative vibe to this forum. Though it's more unhealthy to write that shit than to read it.

One Forest Defender has fallen! Let's replace her -- one, two, many Beths...
by Martin (martianwalrus [at]
So far, there is one conclusion which would be difficult for all of us to deny. We are all connected. Each of us may disagree with the other, but in the end, what affects one of us affects all of us.

Here in the United States, we use more than our share of the resources available to the world population. Beth was doing what every person who has commented here today does at least some of the time. She was doing what she thought was the right thing to do. We all do this. None of us, however, has a monopoly on what is the "right" thing to do. To write here, or in any forum, that my position is "right" and yours is "wrong" is to engage in the politics of exclusion. If we are to save the human species (let's not kid ourselves, the language of leaving something for the next generation is as much about the human species as plants and animals) we must learn that we are all connected, that our interests are shared.

Each person does what he or she can based on the energy, knowledge and resources available. We are all hypocrites, we are all imperfect. For instance, how many of us here forget and leave a light on all day, even those advocating for breaching dams to save the salmon. Where does the light come from? One light may not seem like much, but how about 1,000? 10,000? How many of us drive cars back and forth to all of the rallies and conferences we attend? We busily gather to protest the various new sites where oil is being drilled, but we busily support with OUR OWN MONEY the activities we wish to halt. I do not suggest that the answer is so simple as to stop driving or never turn on a light. However, it is incumbent on all of us to be very conscious of our own actions from moment to moment, even before we might criticize the action or actions of another. An eye for an eye leaves us all blind, as I believe Ghandi once said.

I read anger and frustration in each of the comments here. I am angry and frustrated. This is not the world I want. I would like to work less and play more. I would like to see more green and less asphalt. However, there was a time when I worked 60 hours a week, owned two cars, ate mostly food out of a box, and didn't know the difference between a baby tomato and arugula plant. I rarely spent time out-of-doors because I was locked in a prison of work and exhaustion. I was deeply in debt, and I almost fell into the trap of potentially life-long debt (read death).

I can say first hand what it feels like to have someone tell me I should stop driving, I should eat organic food, I should do this I should think that. None of us likes to be told what to do. It is far more convincing to encounter something that is genuinely better and choose it. If someone yells at me that I am a killer, that I am trashing my world, I am unlikely to listen, and even less likely to be willing to consider alternatives to MY WAY of life.

I have slowly found ways to live a life that I feel is a better life both for myself, and for the world around me. I believe that Beth was making a similar choice, and THAT is very important. Beth made a choice, she knew that she HAD a choice. Every person who has commented here HAS a choice. I would ask simply that, based on the knowledge and information that we all have, and based on the inner knowledge we all share, we make choices that will bring health to ourselves, to our immediate environment. In doing so, we will ultimately bring health to the world around us. The phrase "Think Globally, Act Locally" comes to mind. It is my personal choice to Act Locally in these days and let my actions affect the Global situation but gradually. I believe, as I think Beth believed, that the choices one makes in one's own life are the most powerful. When we allow ourselves to believe that our choices and actions don't make a difference, we have truly been defeated.

Let us let Beth rest in peace, let us reach out to each other in peace, and let us start our work for a better world within ourselves, letting the power of our own health and well-being infuse the world around us. WE ARE ALL CONNECTED! WE ALL HAVE A CHOICE! Peace to you all!

Something to reflect upon in the sad death of Beth O'Brien is that she fell 150 feet from a tree. Those of you reading this might think about from where you sit right now where is the nearest tree to you right now where you could take a 150 foot fall? Its likely not nearby at all. The really big trees and the ecosystems which they support are becoming too rare. The only beneficial reaction to Beth's death can be for people who are usually to busy to get involved in anything to say, hey let's look into this whole tree situation and see what meant enough to Beth O'Brien to give her time and take some risk. Maybe through this attitude we can better the world somehow as a result of Beth's too short existence here.
by Mark O'Brien (markjen2525 [at]
I know you think it is funny to joke about a macabre subject such as my daughters' death. She was the most caring and loving person I ever knew and I feel humbled to have been her father and to have known and loved her. Please do not denigrate her memory in such a crass manner. It cheapens her death, exacerbates our loss and makes you look silly. Why would you want to get off on someone else's pain? Are you a sadist?
Mark O'Brien
by Mark O'Brien (markjen2525 [at]
I know you think it is funny to joke about a macabre subject such as my daughters' death. She was the most caring and loving person I ever knew and I feel humbled to have been her father and to have known and loved her. Please do not denigrate her memory in such a crass manner. It cheapens her death, exacerbates our loss and makes you look silly. Why would you want to get off on someone else's pain? Are you a sadist?
Mark O'Brien
by karen
Sorry to hear about your daughter's untimely splat. I'm sure she could eat pussy with the best of them.
by Victoria
I am so sorry that in coming here you've been exposed to the sad truth of the state of this planet's consciousness. Beth was clearly a person of integrity and beauty who acted for the greater good. Her loss will awaken others to the terrible truth of our condition as human beings on the planet at this time. May that knowledge give you comfort even as you grieve for the loss of your daughter and friend, even as we grieve for the loss of one so principled, so strong, so giving.
by Davey (young_d23 [at]
I posted this story in the attempt to bring some awareness of the environmental situation and its cost to light, while also paying respects to Beth. She was an incredible person and I admire her strength, courage and integrity far more than I can express in words.

Now, I regret posting on this web site at all! Something that was supposed to be informative and respectful has been turned into a childish, moronic, shit talking free for all. I do not understand what could possibly motivate so many completely idiotic attitudes. You people (you know who you are) can hide behind fake user names and fascist ideologies all you want. But let it be known that the people who fight for the earth and humanity/social issues will never be deterred by the likes of you! We are everywhere, and we are not ever going to give up!

I would like to express my great sorrow to Beth's family in their time of loss.

I would also like to apologize for posting this story on a web site that has apparently been taken over by cold hearted dipshit morons with nothing better to do than to poke fun at the people who are actually doing something to make this world a better place for us all.

Last but not least I would like to ask that no one else post on this forum in less they have something nice to say. I have included my personal e-mail address this time so all you jerks can feel free to send your hateful commentary my way, instead of posting it here.

by 4789
It's not your fault. You didn't realize some shit for brains assholes were going to spam this site.
Unfortunately, the entire Indymedia website has been spammed by Morons, racists, homophobes, and gorillas who are incapable of rationalistic thought.

At times, I can't even tell the difference between this site and the site for the Church of the Creator.

If people are going to post on this site, they should do it intellegently! If not, they should stay the hell out!!!

What really bugs me is that two people left their suicide notes on Indymedia. Rather than take it seriously, people have been leaving hatefull responses. Those people needed help. (I pray they got it before it was too late.) Instead, they were ridiculed. That was sick.

I hope you will continue with your posts despite the dipshits.
by Nickole
Tresspassing Martyr?
by Jason • Sunday April 14, 2002 at 07:59 PM

Feeling sorry for her is like having pity on any other common burglar who breaks into a house, slips, and dies.

Too bad, but to the environmentalist, plants have rights, humans do not.

how dare you even say such a thing. i am appalled that in such a time of grief for those of us who had the chance to work with the wonderful Beth, (i am upset, because i only got to meet beth once or twice, but have been working with her food not bombs group for a few months now, and beth was amazing) that you would say such a thing. No one is attempting to make Beth a martyr, this was merely an announcement of her passing. I find it amazing that someone could even say such a thing. Beth did even more work for human rights than environmental, including a food not bombs chapter, (if i remember correctly, she also did some work with our needle exchange) and was always there to help people. If you believe that treesitters are tresspassers, then fine, express that belief, but it is really rude to speak that way of someone who died expressing theirs. She had enough spirit to fight for her cause, respect that.
by Jim Markham (jrmarkham [at]
My condolences to the O'Brian family and Beth's friends and associates.

SHAME on the posters who seem to think that the death of any person is funny because they don't agree with what she is doing. The young woman DIED for a cause she BELIEVED in, and it was TRAGIC. Moreso because it's likely that it could have been prevented. Making anonymous, nasty comments about Beth O'Brian is childish, meanspirited and vile. Regardless of your opinions about her political activities. If you have an issue with tree-sitting and the like, write something intelligent about it. I would like to know how many of those posters have ever done anything similar for any cause they believe in. Probably none. I know I haven't.

Hopefully the remaining (and future) tree-sitters will learn from Ms. O'Brian's death and demand that their participants utilize their safety equipment. I think it's a good and noble cause (and I am not even a "leftie") and it shouldn't only get press when someone dies.
by the burningman
I would like to add my sorrow to the list above. From New York City, where I live, we've seen too much death in recent days. But it was in San Francsisco where I learned about loss when a close friend and lover named Nelly Velasco died at 19. She too was a visionary, in her way, and that makes it hardest of all.

Let people say what they will. The family will know who to listen to and who to ignore. I am so sorry for the knuckleheads. She was heroic and to live deeply for a short time is surely better than decades of mediocrity.
by anon
"When I feed the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist."
- Dom Helder Camara, Archbishop of Recife, Brazil
by Vibes watch (healing_vibes [at]
It's really sad to see such mean people spaming the site with hate, If Andy Caffrey did write the heartless posting at the start of this thread then he has sunken deeper in to the dark side again. Andy is in need of true healing vibes, we here at the healing vibes network have been sending love and light to Andy for the past few years hoping he would heal. Activism takes a serious toll on the mind and body. Andy did good service for many years for the movement and then became ill. Andy has focused his hate on many people in the eco activist movement and has found good buddies like Bruce Anderson and the gang of waco enviro haters to work with. We pray they are not so full of hate that they are working for dark side (FBI). Healing vibes network had hoped Andy was getting better as we had not heard much from him, this posting is not in Andys normal style, we know Andy hate's Darryl and the other listed activists but this was not in the normal style of Andy's hate mail.(Something odd about that posting)
Thank you Beth for being and safe journey to the next world.
Love and light
The Healing Vibes Network
by Flower
Beth was a great inspiration to me. Upon hearing of her death by falling 150' feet from our Sister, the tree, and impacting our Mother, the earth, I could hardly contain myself. I spoke with several friends who were there when it happened and we exchanged memories of Beth.

Beth taught me things that one could only learn from someone so knowledgible in the ways of tree sitting. She taught me the dangers of sitting on a plexiglass toilet; she always carried plenty of tampons with her because, in her words, "You never know when you're going to have to jam," and she taught me how to bum rides on the street cars.

In the end, I am told, she died the way she lived: Bitching and screaming like a stuck pig.

I'll miss her.

by The Shadow (Har Har}
Subject: Andy Caffrey

It's pretty ridiculous that as I and my comrades work 20 hour days on the
front lines that Andy would launch into another one of his attacks. I
suppose I should respond to the insane allegations cast in my direction.

I have not now nor have I ever been Andy Caffrey's employer.

He was a contractor and resident guest here for 5 months straight until
April. After that he continued to use our facilities without working for
Environmentally Sound Promotions at all.

He was also not locked out of the office. He used our computers and office
to send his venemous email to you with.

He did work on his personal projects and was given a condition: not to
associate his personal projects with our company. We don't agree with
Andy's style or politics often, and don't want it to reflect on our

Although we had our differences, we were going to allow Andy to take the
computer he uses out of the office and work some hours for us to earn it.

Given that Andy has gone off without a single communication to me to
confirm his fears, and this has all happened in two days while I've been on
the road working the blockade lines and the funeral services, I was

As soon as David Gypsy Chain died, Andy began sending out fundraising
appeals for himself, even though Gypsy's family asked for donations to be
sent to EF! Box 28, Arcata, CA 95521. Andy scheduled a fundraiser for
himself a/k/a Earth First! Media Center, with Country Joe at our local
communicty center, using Gypsy's name and our office to do it. The concert
may raise a coupla thousand tops, not the $10-20,000 Andy imagines. He
began to answer the phone saying Earth First! Media Center and was telling
people he was authoriing our press releases. Standard Andy. I told him
simply, organize the benefit out of his own house. Not to call forward his
home calls to our office. He was never given permission to do that in the
first place. I was checking my messages from the blockade lines and having
to listen to 5 minutes of Andy's calls, mostly about climate. The last
time I asked him to answer the phones with our company name he screamed and
hung up on me. Most of you probably know Andy is clinically depressed and
on medication. He also drinks two six packs of beer on an average night,
the empties of which I am presently staring at as they smell up the office
and spill over the garbage can onto the floor.

Andy was not locked out. He got that rumor from a twenty year old gossip
troublemaker. Andy never asked me if he would be locked out. He has not
even sent a copy of his letter to me so I can answer it. I was
considering locking him out if he refused to stop exploiting the death of
Gypsy for his personal gain. Andy did the same to Judi in 1990. He passed
the hat for her in his 30 or so roadshows he brags about, raised many
thousands and gave Judi zero of it, even as she lay in agony recovering
from her wounds. He was de facto banned from getting any roadshow support
for about 3 years after that until time made people forget. Knowing Andy,
the money went for booze, coffee, weed and books. Exactly the same place
the money he raises for this event will go to.

Andy has sabotaged and eliminated the Jail Hurwitz Website which we paid
him well over $5000 to update. He did not create or design the site. He
is owed no money. So because Andy has imagined himself being locked out of
our office because of the rumors a twenty year old gossip told him, he has
eliminated 1 1/2 years of hard work paid for by non-profit donations to him.

Another reason we didn't want to associate with Andy was his extortion of
money from Julia Butterfly as she sat (and still sits) in a tree. Julia
finally paid Andy $300 to stop calling her. Call Robert Parker at
707/839-8974 if you're curious, but probably you shouldn't bother him (or
me) with this nonsense.

Andy is also raising money for a wrongful death suit that the family has
not yet announced they're filing. He announced this in front of the
family, humiliating himself without realizing it. The family asked for
funds to be sent to EF!, Box 28, Arcata, CA 95518. Not to a wrongful
death suit or to Andy.

There are many other dillusions almost not worth mentioning. Andy is a 10
minute hitchike away from the office or a 30 minute walk (2 mi). Since he
stole our bike as well as our website, zip disks with the back up files,
orginal videos, reems of xerox paper, etc, little of which he'll cop to, we
have changed the locks now, after the fact. By the way, the theft of
little things was a problem because we used them constantly, cassettes,
videos, hundreds of floppy discs, etc. It was quite rude to come back from
a road trip and find all 8 videos, all 15 cassettes, and 50 floppies gone
so Andy could record commercial tv shows and copy his 800 emails.

What Andy is doing to demoralizing to the front lines. Raising money for
himself on the death of their friend. If you want to write to Andy and
tell him not to rip our community apart by using the Earth First! name and
Gypsy's death to raise only himself money. He could easily take 1/3 of the
funds and give 2/3 to the front lines. That way he'd include everyone.

Andy's done good work in the past. But the good must outweigh the bad.
Destroying an important website on the eve of Charles Hurwitz testifying at
tria--a website Andy was paid good money to manage--is detrimental to the
movement as well as to my own ability to keep focused on the blockade line
and protests, a place Andy has rarely been over the last 8 years.

Andy, homeless and depressed, was given a place to live, a job, a free
office with lots of equipment, and a new community. In exchange he gave us

In any case, I'm forwarding this to Andy, which is more than I can say of
what he's done for me.

Darryl Cherney
Earth First!
PO Box 34
Garberville, CA 95542
Don't bother calling, I'm out in the woods trying to save Gypsy Mountain.

by Cindy Allsbrooks (cka [at]
As I read over the comments on this website I am reminded at the condition of the human race. How ashamed I am of the people who have chosen a time of someone's loss to voice their hardened opinion of this young woman, Beth. People like Beth must really scare you. You are the worst of mankind. Treesitting is a last resort tactic that our young people are using to stop more destruction of out natural forest and watersheds. Even though I wish their were NO treesits, I am in awe of their bravity. It takes guts to Take A Stand.

The message that these young people love rocks and trees more than humans is yet another lie. They are taking a stand because humans will need a healthy planet to keep learing the lessons they were put here for to begin with. You folks that have the harse words for this webpage, better mind what you say about our forest defenders and the loss of a human life. It may come back to haunt you in the most devastaing way. Your words are evil and thoughtless and life has a way of teaching us how wrong we can be when we are so cruel to hurt others with our words and actions.
by debate coach
>I'm sure she could eat pussy with the best of them.

One does not eat pussy. One licks pussy. Pussy licking is often accompied along with the licking of the nipples and sometimes licking of the rectum.

To learn more about logic, click here:
by Chris Hixon (hambot2k [at]
Beth once wrote to me:
"So what if I can't fucking climb."
I don't think she was being serious.
She also wrote:
"When I die I want to be creamated. I want my ashes put in a marmalade jar."
I don't think she was being serious then either because I don't think she seriously expected to die that soon. Just like me and you.

Sometimes people just die. I can't tell this to Beth anymore, but I can tell you: You might die really soon. So just pretend your entity will be detatched from your body soon by something as mundane as not being able to climb. So you can spend the time quickly evaporating time you have left simply prolonging and endulging in pleasure and comfort, or you can do something positive and constructive with yourself. Just remember all too soon, those pleasures will be gone, and all that will be left of you is the effects and memories of your deeds. Beth knew this, and that is why this web site is here in the first place.

Happy rest of your lives.
by Andy Caffrey
Here the Cherney/Butterfly libel of me, in one of it's variants (the other is that I extorted $300 from the bug lady) continues on four years after it was generated. And people wonder why I'm still pissed at them...

If you are going to call me a drunk, why don't you say it to my face instead of hiding anonymously? Do I know you? If so, when was the last time we spoke or hung out? Do you know that what you just wrote is an utter lie and misrepresentation of me? Do you know that you are conveying libel, which is violent? It's a crime in fact. But you folks are just sooooo loving. And you just love to talk about things and people you don't even know. Amazing arrogance. But the answer to your question is now.
by Andy Caffrey
Who are you? Another anonymous know-it-all? Someone else who furthers the Cherney-Butterfly libel?

My hatred for Cherney, and intense anger at Butterfly and Pickett and Ken Miller is because they actually did excruciatingly harmful, hurtful, viloent things to me in the real, material world. Instead of sending healing vibes, how about getting your hands dirty and fight for me to get justice? Each of them have stolen over $1,000 from me and sabotaged the activist projects i was working on.

All I see is just another cowardly anonymous critic who doesn't know shit about what he's talking about.
by Andy Caffrey
Har Har posted the letter Cherney-Butterfly and Robert Parker libeled me with in 1998. You can see that it still haunts me to this very day. Just for the sake of argument, imagine if you will, that nothing in the letter was true and that it was written about you.

How would you feel about the people spewing it? How would you feel if it had tangible effects on your life and your ability to be an activist. How would you you feel if people blamed you instead of Cherney, because you were expressing your pain and anger AS IT WAS REAL TO YOU, just like a rape victim expresses her feelings, and they just didn't want to hear it. Just because I'm a man, it doesn't mean that I can't be assaulted. And it doesn't mean that I don't deserve justice. No peace without justice, right?

Why do I still bring this up? Because many of you assholes keep spewing it!!!!! You give me no choice but to constantly have to clear my name. ANd then you tell me and others that I'm "still" spewing hatred.

Everything in the Cherney letter is untrue. He sent it out in response to my sending out an announcement that he had locked me out. He sent the libel letter out in his capacity as Julia Butterfly's manager. That means Julia was/is responsible for publicly separating herself from it. Otherwise people believe that Darryl spoke for her too. She has told me that she agrees with me that it's lies, but she says she doesn't have to say anything because Darryl sent it out, not her. Imagine the Prez not separating himself from libels issued by his press spokesman.

Two years later, Robert Parker wanted to come clean. He wrote all of this story up and posted it to the Julia Butterfly Net list at yahoogroups. If you go to the archive for that list. you can see that I am telling the truth. parker was in on it. take his word for it if you don't want to believe me. If you are not willing to do your homework and get your facts straight about me before spewing *your* hatred at me, then shut the fuck up. You're nothing but a brain-dead punk.
by Celtic spirit
GOD created this planet and gave humans dominion over it's bounties. We were told to care for it and to use what we need. (This includes those so called "inanimate" objects such as rocks and trees).

Unfortunately, our corrupt human nature makes us greedy, and instead of utilizing only that which we need, we tend to be of the mindset that "more MUST be better"...Gotta have more...gotta have bigger...gotta have better...gimme, gimme, gimme!

There's nothing wrong with harvesting, and utilizing our natural resources if it's NEEDED. It's sad that we don't realize what we, as the God given care takers of this earth, have done to it trying to quell our insatiable appetites for frivolous luxuries.

This poor O'Brian girl was only trying to protect something which she felt deeply about in the only way she knew how. SHAME on you zipper-heads for your hateful, and callous remarks toward her! As if you're any more important in God's eyes than she! Think again.

by moth

i don't know who is more disgusting, andy or cherney or the anonymous republican perverts with their sparkling moral character. andy sounds like a drunk swindler, and cherney makes the environmental movement sound like a bunch of whiners who have allowed themselves to be swindled by drunks.

beth died for her cause and the sick taunts can't reach her. but could you other "activists" please keep your rifts to yourselves? that's the professional way to do things.

rest in peace.
by JorgeW
Anyone have any serious comments on the substance of Andy's note? I know nothing of this subject but his comments did made me think - especially his observation about the safety involved in scuba diving at 20ft vs tree sitting at 150ft. I'm a roofer and my boss doesn't let anyone up there without a harness/line. And he is 100% right.

All I saw in response was some rather strange and highly personal and (to me) completely irrelavent attacks on this andy guy.
by Frank
Jorge, no doubt.

As an outsider, I don't know anything about the history, political infighting, blame spreading, etc., that goes on in these groups other then what I've read here, but, I thought andy's comments on safety seemed important.

Also, I'm not well-versed on all the pro and con arguments surrounding this issue, but, I don't see how saving old growth forrests makes people "anti-human enviro-whackos".

Rather then destroying what's left for the instant gratification of the *quick* buck, tree farms and hemp seem to be the way to go, in order to meet needs of the wood product industry (lumber, paper products, etc.), and it's consumers. It seems a win-win scenario to go that route -- the industry will be sustainable, and the old growth forrests remain for present and future generations to enjoy.

Oh, and I think the comments about the young lady (I'd never heard of her until reading this article) that died are disgusting (that's an understatement).
by Robert Parker
In regard to the post "Lot's More on Andy to Come!!"
by The Shadow (Har Har} on Thursday April 18, 2002 at 04:28 AM:

Not wanting to get very OFF TOPIC here (this is a page dedicated to Beth O'Brien, to whose family and friends my deepest condolences go out from here in Chile), BUT I'd like to clear something up. The post in question is a recycled letter circulated by Darryl Cherney over 4 years ago. I doubt Darryl posted this. 'The Shadow' is obviously someone (read disruptor) who just wants to stir up shit and cause harm specifically to Andy Caffrey, and knows that he can push Andy's buttons with this sensitive subject. For those that are interested, the matters referred to in the post were mostly cleared up years ago. Still, I'm pretty pissed off that this 'Shadow' idiot has brought my name into this (and published my phone number, even if it's been disconnected since 1999). Andy and I resolved this and made ammends between ourselves long ago, and it's sad that this BS needs to resurface. Andy, ignore this asshole and keep moving on. 'Shadow', find something more recent and interesting than Darryl's tired, old letter to use to get whatever personal satisfaction you're seeking.

Lamentablemente, what we're seeing here is the double edged sword of free speech in action, and the results of unmoderated posting on the Internet.

Best regards,
Robert Parker
by Leise
that pictures looks a bit familiar. did she have a particular old-style of hat that she wore a lot of the time?
by The Shadow
Click Here Andy (Strawberry Boy...)
by Steve Toth
for Beth O'Brien

Not everyone
has the nerve
to pose smiling
for the camera
with a banjo

Fallen warrior
you got your nerve
to the unnerving
voice of love
inside you
by Robert Parker
On Friday April 19, 2002 at 09:51 AM in "Andy Put It Online Idiot!" The Shadow wrote:
Click Here Andy (Strawberry Boy...)

Actually, in the case that you refer to via the url, the original email letter from Darryl was posted on-line by Ed Martin, publisher of Flatland Books, in 1998. I imagine he received the email from Andy, but as the recipients list for the letter was large it could have came from any number of sources. Both Ed, Darryl and the rest of the recipients caught my grief for publishing my name and number, and now you are too.

What I want to know Shadow, is what was your intention in posting it here, AND without a source (the posting on the web page you refer to clearly contains the original header) thus presenting the information out of context? My feeling is that it was specifically an act of distributing misinformation in order to attack Andy and cause problems for others named in the letter. So again, stop wasting everyones time, and bandwidth, and find something to do a little more original than reposting buried, recycled drama from obscure and uninteresting web sites.

Robert Parker
by debate coach is an a**
You have made a lot of disgusting comments to date, debate coach, but this is the lowest yet. Is there no bottom to which you can sink?

Everyone, ignore this jerk wherever he may post.

Angelia Singleton
by Loki
Jo Jo, It is peple like you that makes me wonder why God would waste such a precious gift, Human Life, on the likes of you!

Just as God destroyed the world with the flood, rained sulfer in Sodom and Ghamorah, and killed the first born of Egypt, I think it is time for him to pass judgement on you and your kind!!!

I speak from experience to say that YOU and YOUR KIND have offended God the most!

He gave you this planet, and YOU AND YOUR KIND choose to destroy it!

He gave you People like Beth O' Brian, and you chose to mock her death, just as the Romans Mocked the Death of Jesus!!! (look what happened to them!)

You have chosen to cast stones, yet your soul is so filled with sin, you deserve to axfixiate on your own vomit!

God is one for Ritous judgement, He is a God of love, but he will let sin go so far before he passes judgement!

So Jo Joke, I warn you, change your ways now! Or else, you seal your own fate at God's hand!!!

To the rest of you, May the lord bless you.

To Jo Joke, I pray for your soul!
by poetree 1968
Why is it that morons always think they're making somebody else look bad?
by Gypsy
May all who write here receive in their lives according to what they've written. Those who bless you are blessed, those who curse you are cursed. So mote it be.
by Dirt (deane [at]
I just want to say that beauty can be found in all the comments of this list. I know that's a stretch but in time this wonderful pool of humaity will settle. This cesspool mixing with pure waters of grief and love, it is not easy but it is a true reflection of our global community. As all the posts on this string slowly draw to an end the cess in the pool will sink to the bottom. The cess will nourish a full array of species who are bottom feeders, the loving cleansers of our offenses. Very soon rough waters will clear and things will be put back in their natural place. We will return to our truth wich is a humanity in harmony with a crystal pure pool of ecology. May the love Beth gave to this wacky-world quicken us to this end!
by Shade
Was there a character on Beavis and Butthead that started fires, tortured animals, and wet his bed? If so, that would be SloSlo Dung.
by pontius

If this JoJo person had it all together, he wouldn't need to be hanging around progressive chat rooms with his incessant masturbatory attacks against people he wouldn't have the courage to ask for the time if he saw them on a street corner. But that's the way things work these days -- it's a wonderland for the passive aggression.

Every war has its casualties. Beth was one of them, and though you can try to simplify the cause and cartoonify it, it is more real than anything JoJo has got going on in his life, as evidenced by his constant negative presence, lack of clear moral or rational thinking, or even a desire to school us in the TRUTH, whatever he thinks it may be. I'm just glad we can let these types get their aggression out here, so they don't go around vandalizing cemeteries.

Anyhow, I felt Beth's spirit on the wind at yesterday's protest in San Francisco. Palestinian flags snapped in the wind as speakers laid out the case against US imperialism and Israeli apartheid. I saw a lot of familiar faces, and if anything it was just plain refreshing to see so many people on the street for the cause on 420. Detractors will always try to deny the validity of anything we do, but the important point of yesterday is that the tide of opinion is turning against the Israeli war machine, and only by demonstrating to the world that we know the truth and we won't be silent will we help make this a world in which $15 million a day go to feed the poor instead of kill them.

By the way, loved the Israeli flags with swastikas instead of stars -- that's exactly the message to send and it has great psychological effect. Of course, the tactic will be branded as anti-semitic, but simply IGNORE the whiners. Putting the Star of David on the Israeli flag is anti-semitic, since it associates the slaughtering tendencies of the Israeli war machine with all Jewish people. This is not the correct message, as we have been told.
My own gut feeling is that an attack on pro-Palestinian sentiment is coming toward us in the form of a witch hunt for "Anti Semites" that will be "backed up" by the "rise" of AS violence in Europe. At some point Saddam will be painted up as the 2nd coming of Hitler, and we'll be chasing him around the caves of Iraq. And of course we'll need some spectacular new terrorist attack to whip us all into line here on the homefront and allow Ashcroft to take away just enough of our civil rights to make us meek and impotent. But we won't care!

Free Free Palestine

by bottom feeder
Don't worry Jo Jo. I'll make your day and give you some attention. It must be sad realizing that your whole life is centered around making ansty comments and hoping someone will notice you. But never fear, I'll take pity on you. So why don't you read this and try real hard to make a reply. I know you won't let me down, Jo Jo. What else would you be doing, Jo Jo? I know, why don't you try to upset me. that would be fun. How about that, we haven't ever met and already I'm your best friend. scary isn't it? It's almost like I can read your mind. I'm waiting for you, Jo Jo. Just see if I don't throw you some more bread crumbs of attention, my little pigeon.
by Jen (pixiecrafts [at]
I hope Beth's family and friends can find peace, and eventually some comfort. I am grateful for Beth's work, andthe work of those like her, and for everyone who is working to make the future safer for my little toddler and the generations to come after.
by robnoxious
Dear Jason (whose comment first appeared below the article about Beth's death) could you please post your home address so i can come and stab you with a rusty screwdriver? Thanx.
by debate coach
But who did?

Let's take a poll. How many people think it was JoJo?
by Jason
I live in Hunter's Point. Come down and ask for "Uncle Tom".
by Robert
Everyone's just DYING to use your name when they post. Whatever. Asshole.
by erin
I am so sorry to hear about Beth's death. I do appreciate her fight to keep our Trees alive and well. Please find comfort in the fact that she died serving humanity. May all of you find peace and light.

With Love,
by a poem
Darryl Cherney in the air,
Darryl lost his underwear,
Darryl said, "Me don't care,
Robert make me 'nother pair."

Robert Parker in the air,
Robert lost his underwear,
Robert said, "Me don't care,
Beth make me 'nother pair."

Beth O'Brien in the air,
Beth lost her underwear,
Poo poo in Beth's underwear.
by tree hugger
They are rude, vulgar, boorish, cruel and callous beyond belief.

Is that the kind of people you want to side with?
by bottom feeder
They're parasites with no life of their own. Did you ever go to a repulican site. Nobody else does either. That's why they have to come over here. they can't stand to be with themselves. Like wood ticks in winter. They have nothing to say to each other. We're the only ones worth hanging out with. That's why they always try to hang out with us. Oh look some more repulicans acting snotty. Isn't it shocking? Not much. The same jokes year after year. All the way back to
Father Coughlin. Tthey've got nothing and they know it. And nothing can change that. Repulicans have been running this country since 1968 and they're stillling whining about hoew things are going. Responisiblity and hard work are two things they will never understand. Come on losers. Let's see what you've got. Oh we've already seen it. Well just keep using the same lines over and over. You've got nothing except what you can borrow from us.
by dancingweb
What in incredible, inspiring, brave young woman.
by bottom feeder 2
These little bad boys have just learned how to cuss. Isn't that naughty? They're just hoping no one will notice that Reagan had Alzheimers the whole time he was president. Like it wasn't obvious. What with the Reagan revolution and the Contract with America, why are they still whining about how everyuthing is going? Maybe theyr're hoping that we won't notice who's been passing all these laws? Maybe they can only keep us playing little bad boy games, we'll be too busy to get anything done. dream on bad doys
by Autumn
I just cannot beleive what I am reading here!

A young woman is dead...because she was called to defend a tree. There have been attacks on enviromentalists and airing of dirty laundry from her activist community. Do they rightly belong here?

I salute Beth for her bravery, People like her are willing to sit in trees so all of us can enjoy the forest and the fresh air it provides. I wish she had been using her safety gear, maybe it should be made maditory in her memory so nobody else has to die that way.

Maybe this comment section should be pulled down, it isn't doing anyone much good and is causing much sorrow to Beth's family .
by Yes
Remember Beth
Never forget
by mike
<SHAME on the posters who seem to think that the death of any person is funny because they don't agree with what she is doing.>

I agree with what she was doing and I still think it's hilarious.

If I ever inadvertendly off myself in such a comically inept manner, I certainly hope people will be able to generate a few good jokes in my memory. After all, I'd never want to be known as someone who couldn't see the forest for the trees.

by Does it matter?
Seeing how people can take a tragity and trivialize it to the point that the sentiment is dead,
seeing how everyone here has no sense of decency,
I have concluded that Satan has finaly defeated heaven and vanqueshed Jehova.

May all existance end, may you all, (especially Jar Jar, I mean Jo Jo, burn in hell for all eternity!)

With such cruelty, insensitivity, and intollerance, I do have to ask, Is God really dead?
by bottom feeder
They haven't won anything except the chance to embarrass themselves in print. Remember beth Forget the losers
by mike
When people fall off trees and die, and I make fun of them, I can only ask myself, "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you no sense of pride?"

by Jimmy
I fell out of a tree when I was a kid. Was probably right around 5 or 6 years old. Must of fell 15-20 feet. Hurt like hell!! Lucky I didn't get any more hurt than I did. Could have broke my cotton pickin neck. I remember the pain to this day. But 150 feet!?! God damn! You only do that once and you sure as hell don't do it again. You tree climbers gotta be more careful. Or don't climb so damn high! Why you gotta climb so damn high to make a point. Only go up 5-10 feet. Hell that's high enough. Any higher and you're likely to get yourself killed. It's a damn tree. Treat it with some respect. People ain't supposed to climb no damn 150 feet in a tree. Get your ass down from there!
by bottom feeder 2
You really are hard up for attention, Mike. You just can't get enough. You're good food for shit eaters like me. No wonder you keep coming back for more; that's what happens when you don't have a life. Do you think you're fooling anybody? We just use you for our own ends. We like the way you motivate us. You give us more fuel for our fires every time you post. No one who reads this will ever let discouragement or tiredness get the best of them. All they'll have to do is remember and they'll find the energy to keep going. The joke's on you, MIke. You're the one who has to live with yourself.. You're stuck being yourself for the rest of your life. The rest of us are free. When we read what you write, we realize how loucky we are.
by Tree-sitt'in fool
Hey all you good people out there. Let's ignore all the folks from "the dark side" who have posted on this thread and continue to honor Beth's memory, she was a person who cared and made an effort to make change. My sincerest condolences to her parents and all who knew her. I sat around a campfire talking to her a few weeks before her passing, she was a very nice person. Love to her and all the people living in trees everywhere. To risk ones life for the common good is so commendable, I must honor all of you. Peace and green trees forever. Climb safely!
by kmfdm
those tree sitters have more balls than I do.

As much as I hate deforestation, there is no fucking way you would get me up in one of those trees.

Beth, I admire your courage. I only wish you were still alive.

god bless.

by bottom feeder 2
Don't avoid the dark side, use it. Sure those postings were shocking at first, but now the shock has worn off. Go back and read them again, see if they don't make you want to do something good in Beth's memory.
by choochookitty
Though I am aghast at the ugliness and IGNORANCE of some of the comments here, I will instead focus on the matter at hand, the loss of Beth. It is sad that someone like Beth, who is living the life she believes in, trying to preserve parts of the earth that have sadly become devalued, is gone from the planet. Reading some of these posts especially I think, why not THIS person?

I hope her family can take comfort in the fact that she did more in her short life than some of us will do in lifetimes and that she died doing something that made her feel truly alive. I think that is all any of us can seek in this life.

My heart goes out to you at the loss of your child. Being a mother, I cannot imagine what this must entail. I pray for your sadness to be soothed and for you to focus on the love that is here and be blind and deaf to the hate.

I for one appreciate all that she was working for. It is so worth it. I thank her and I am sure the trees thank her as well.

Much love to you all at this time.

by Hayduke the Puke
People come and people go. Some die for causes sharp and clear, others die for causes vague and wishy-washy. Everybody got an opinion but the last word on the value of your cause(should you have one) will remain yours and yours alone...when you die for it.
The value of Beth's cause was realized by her and her alone while she plunged into oblivion. All you pontificators can go to hell, ...btw,... see you there.
by Caustic
I almost did not post anything after reading all the comments, the senseless, waste of energy comments, on this page. To those of you who used this article to show us how much nosie can readily flow from your mouth: Bad humans! And find somewhere else to bleat like sheep! Everyone else: Thank you for honoring a brave woman. My love and support to her friends and family. I knew Beth (although not under that name) a little bit. I'm sorry to the living that she is gone, but our memories are praised with her courage to act out for her beliefs and show a bit of sense in an otherwise senseless world. So long Beth. Thank you.
by Tarzan
Me Tarzan. You Beth. Me climb tree. You climb after me. I beat my chest. Tree shakes. You fall. Splat!!! No more Beth. Just pile of blood and guts on the ground. Oh well. Me get new wife.
by anony
To the people that made cruel comments on here-- what if her family or friends read this. I know somebody who was friends with Beth--he is genuinly sad and has grief. I think a discussion of responsibilty in this matter is very much in order however it should be done with the context of respect towards the grief people our feeling. Those who made mean comments because you disagreed with her politics are truly sick people. I know a lot of conservative people (incluuding my own family) who make jokes about tree-huggers BUT THEY WOULD NEVER talk bad about the loss of an innocent human life. Thats called human decency and its something you lack.
by bottom feeder
IIt's become routine. Tthe losers come on and get rejected. Tthey make fools of themselves and we make fun of them. So we get two laughs for the price of one every time. But don't expect them to learn to anything, that's why they're losers. Like dogs who return to eat their own vomit. The sicker they get. the sicker they become. They stronger we get and the weaker they become. We're immune to their disease. They only infect themselves.. Ho hum.
by Flea Scratching Dog
ruff! rrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it'ssss bacon!!!!!!!!!
by bottom feeder 2
Here Dogs. Sit dogs. Beg dogs. Beg for attention.
by Beth
Falling off that tree was the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm just floating around here above the clouds with my new harp, having a good old time. Would you believe God is a disgraced Catholic Republican? Got caught with a few angels in the flying chapel, and, well, now the afterlife is in the control of a female deity who looks a lot like Ani DeFranco. I'm REALLY in heaven.....
by Zapatista
She's in the hills. She'll be back if we need her.
by bottom feeder 3
Beth is back and seems to be functioning as a mirror. Some look into the mirror and see startling beauty. Others look in and see an ugly cartoon monster. What ugliness can a mirror show you , except your own? What beauty?
by Yes
Blessings to Beth and all who love her.
by H.L. Royko
Darwin was right.
But there may in fact be a god. After all, cosmic justice is a rare and beautiful thing. This chick deserved to fall out of a tree and die like the dimwitted, sanctimonious, pretentious, intellectually fraudulent, fascistic, laughable, contemptible, graceless, ungainly, unattractive fool that she was.

The world is a better place for her death. And most particularly the human gene pool is that much deeper. Indeed, Darwin was right. Of course, the chances of her spawning, vile a thought as that is, were probably not too good anyway. But given what might have found that mess attractive, humanity has certainly dodged a bullet.

She lived her life proving her stupidity, and her stupidity got her killed.

Ah, justice.

by mrrior face
You look in the mirror and see stupidity. that's not sir[rising. Most people would vbe too smart to admit it in public. But not you. So your theory is proven wrong. You're stupid there's no doubt about that. And you're not dead. So there you are. Just a stupid person looking a mirror calling his refection names. You'd be a laughingstock if anyone was paying attention. but they're not. Just losers like me talking to other losers like you. Keep looking in the mirror. Tell us all how stupid you look. now. Making fun of you is so much fun. Easpecially when you try to pretend like you're saying something about somebody else. But you can't you can only call yourself names for the rest of us to laugh at. Write on loser. Write on until you die. Nobody will mourn you. Nobody will even notice. there are so many other losers one more or less doesn't n=make any difference.
by bottom feeder
They say that there's a fool born every minute. They wouldn't be surprised that these fools keep humiliating themselves for our amusement. Their impotent attempts to make a point are almost as funny as the way they can't help themsleves But not quite.
by love
Beth was a wonderful person and I will think of her everytime I sit in the beautiful trees that are threatened by the kind of horribly insensitive people that decided to puke their ignorance all over this dedication.
Beth used her energy to help humanity. She fought fascism, which some of these people don't even know the definition of. Fascism is the "philosophy of government that glorifies the nation-state at the expense of the individual. Major concepts of fascism include opposition to democratic and socialist movements; racist ideologies, such as anti-semitism; aggresive military policy; and belief in an authoritarian leader who embodies the ideals of the nation. Fascism generally gains support by promising social justice to discontented elements of the working and middle classes, and social order to powerful financial interests. While retaining class divisions and usually protecting capitalist and landowning interests, the fascist state exercises control at all levels of individual and economic activity, employing special police forces to instill fear....This term...has also been applied to other right-wing movements..." The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia.
Beth is and will always be remembered by those that loved her as someone who fought for her and humanity's right to be truly free. May we all stand strong together in these dark ages of evil and ignorance. May Bush's fascist regime in the United States give way to a direct democracy and an age of enlightenment. Thank you Beth for being a warrior of love and truth. I will never forget you.
by Update: Beth Is Still Dead
No change since last post.
by Woody Woodpecker
That silly girl - she should have know that trees are for birds and backyard decks.
by Update: Beth Is Still Dead
no change since last update.
by Jason
I hope no one minds my posting this.

After Beth died I and a friend who cared a lot about her (I didn't know her, and sad I will never) poured over video I had from the J20 protest of the Inauguration of George CIA-Oilman Bush the second.

We couldn't find a good shot. This was the best one we found.

Just as a more speedy resolution from the Bush Administration might have ended the tree sit sooner and saved Beth's life, here Bush stands eerily behind her with a scythe, Bush personified, appropriately, as Death.

While Beth goes merrily along her loving, joyous way.

by Mark O'Brien (markjen2525 [at]
I'll never understand some of the people who posted such horrid comments about my daughter. She was such a good person who unstintingly gave of herself her whole short life. I'd like to meet those of you who posted such cowardly ignorant comments concerning Beth. I promise you that you would regret the meeting. My ancestors knew the value of taking scalps and other trophies as a way of culling the ignorant from this planet. My daughter died in a tragic accident.
BUT SHE LIVED BETTER THAN YOU SHIT-FOR-BRAINS who denigrated her in your posted comments. She lived to help people in so many ways. She did help feed the homeless, she taught young children how to read as a volunteer at her local elementary school. She actively protested events and circumstances she deemed unjust and she also did the day to day things that go unnoticed by most people...a kind word here, a hug there and a helping hand EVERY DAY OFHER LIFE was extended to any who needed it. She was a joy to her mother and I and she was a great big sister to her two younger brothers.
Say what you will,
spout your swill,
Beth was a hero,
who lived with a will.
She railed at injustice and prejudice. She was and is my hero and I am so proud to be her father.
To those of you who made such kind and loving comments, I thank you. To those of you who spouted your swill, come say it to my face. Bring a hat and a soprano music lesson.
by Rightist
The nut doesn't fall far from the tree.
by go away you spammers
No your not the final word. Beth's death was a tragedy. The forest dis-service should be protecting the public lands, not liquidating them for a few to make a buck or two. Yes I like wood products, what I don't like is the public land being wasted.

Each year a million acres of national forest are logged and sold off below cost — a huge loss to the American taxpayer as well as to the environment.

National forests in 16 states have a road maintenance backlog of more than $100 million each.

Only 21 percent of the 382,000 roads in the national forest system meet adequate road maintenance standards.

Taxpayers have provided more than $116 million in direct subsidies to the timber industry for the construction of logging roads.

The Forest Service has been unable to provide data on the cost of its timber sale program since it reported a $126 million loss for FY 1998. An independent analysis found losses to be more than three times that amount.

According to the GAO, it will be at least 2004 until the Forest Service has a new accounting system in place, making it difficult, if not impossible, for Congress and taxpayers to hold the agency accountable for the costs of its timber sale program.

You can come up with wise comments about your intelligence, but everyone knows that Beth died fighting a worth while fight. End the gov subsidies and free the land.

by Paul Bunyon
Many thanks to you and all the other environmental Nazis for your policies that are responsible for the California Sequoia, Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico and other BIG fires this summer. Thanks for the deaths of the firefighters who died in planes and roads fighting the fires. Thanks for keeping the logging roads from being built and maintained so that the firefighters could get to the fires. Thanks for the policies that allow the growth of the under brush that feed the fires. Thanks for destroying all the lumber that could have been used for new and cheaper housing. Thanks from the wildlife that have been killed and driven from the forest. Rest in peace.
by Les miserables
Thank you for the decades of putting out every single fire on behalf of the timber industry, leading to the unnecessary deaths of fire fighters. Thank you for punching hundreds of thousands of miles of roads into the national forests, altering the ecosystem, drying out the micro climate with massive industrial scale clearcutting, leading to ever more catastrophic fires. Thank George W. for cutting a billion dollars from the fire fuels projects. Thank the Republican congress for letting the current massive F.S. road system go to shit and silt up the streams. Thank Weyerhauser and Plum Creek for shipping billions of board feet annually of their own raw logs to the Pacific Rim nations while shutting down our own mills and using corrupt senators to open up the national forests to their cut and run style of economics to further fatten their bank accounts. Thank industrialized logging and modernization for laying off tens of thousands of loggers. Thank industrialized logging for destroying our watersheds and fish runs. Thank industrialized logging for cutting their lands at 2 to 3 the sustainable rate. Thank big business PR for demonizing the environmental movement, thus creating a climate of fear in rural areas and thwarting any chance of communities reaching solutions. Thank wall street and its shills for unleashing thousands of lobbyists into DC to bribe and beat our government into doing their will. Thank ignoramouses like Paul Bunyan for regurgitating the timber industry progoganda that has been funnelled into their pumpkin little heads while the corporate thugs laugh all the way to the bank, never giving a fuck about working people. Paul Bunyan, a 19th century concept. Do you want to go back to the 19th century way of doing things? I don't. So fuck off Paul Bunyan. Go to Russia or Red China where they don't have environmental laws. You'll fit in with the other brain dead, propagandized proles.
by Muffy
I only met Beth once, but that one time I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

I had been in Northern California at a tree sit for more than a week when it was time for some of us to head back to our homes including Beth. Several of us had to go back the same direction and Beth was in the group I was in. It was nighttime by the time we got to where Beth lived and I had not yet contacted someone to get me the rest of the way home so Beth invited me to stay with her overnight. After we washed up and ate we sat down and had the most intimate of conversations. She had the most piercing eyes like she could see into your very soul. I had not felt so close to someone like that before it is so hard to describe even now. Beth leaned over and kissed me and it was the most natural thing. We carressed each other and held each other so tight. We made love that night to soft lights and soft music. I have never known a woman who could use her tounge on my breasts and on my clitoris like she did that night. It was magical and I came over and over again hoping it would never end. For a brief few hours we were one as we pleasured each other. In the morning we awoke in each others arms. It was one of the most beautiful moments in my life.

Thank you Beth for all you did in your life. Rest in Peace my lovely.
by locust (mybeerfart [at]
as ancient forests are beig sold to cities,critics rot away in their digital humanity.
by locust (mybeerfart [at]
as ancient forests are beig sold to cities,critics rot away in their digital humanity.
by locust (mybeerfart [at]
as ancient forests are beig sold to cities,critics rot away in their digital humanity.
by locust (mybeerfart [at]
as ancient forests are beig sold to cities,critics rot away in their digital humanity.
by Locust
while ancient trees are being sold to cities, critics rot away in their digital humanity.
by Locust
while ancient trees are being sold to cities, critics rot away in their digital humanity.
by Woddy Woodpecker
Hey kids, I heard another tree sitter bite the dust today - literately - in the Santa Curz mountains. Like I said before, trees are for birds and sundecks.....
by Sheepdog
Clean up in aisle. 2&3

Ejustacdeinator! Clean-up on previous post! -Hazard-
5. bring mop, pail, putty knife, solvent rags and metal can. 8. unship fire hose and open drain scuppers.
by SFer
Its amazing to me how both the left and right on this board take so much delight in the death of another. Whether its someone protesting what they believe in or a cop trying to put gas in his car, neither deserves to be killed. Why does everything have to be so black or white--whatever happened to the middle ground.

People are turned off by right-wing fanatics, but they're just as turned off by left-wing fanatics.

To me, National Parks should be for all people, not for the timber industry to cut down. That said, people have been using wood for thousands of years and having tree farms for the purpose of creating that wood is a legitimate business.

In terms of forest fires, a lot of them have been so bad because we don't allow nature to take its course, i.e. we try to put out every fire, which means the next fire is twice as bad. In nature, forests burn down, then they grow back again. This was happening long before people were around.

I did not know Beth, and I bet I would probably disagree with her about a lot of things, but that's no reason to take delight in a tragedy. I'm sure her family and friends had and have much grief.

People can be civilized and still disagree.
by correction
SOME people can be civilized and still disagree.
by Andy Caffrey
how about I throw a little get to geather for us "locals" who knew her.
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