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Court Rejects NAB/NPR Attempt to Silence Low Power FM

by Center on Democratic Communications
Press Release: The Center on Democratic Communications praises Court of Appeals rebuff of broadcast industry attempt to sabatoge Low Power FM.
Friday, February 8, 2002: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, early today, rejected the National Association of Broadcasters' (NAB) and National Public Radio's (NPR) attempts to silence the microradio movement, and threw out as unconstitutional a law passed by Congress to limit the FCC's Low Power FM ("LPFM") service.

Alan Korn, CDC Litigation Director, states "For years microradio broadcasters tried to get the FCC to approve a low-power radio service that would address the local needs of people in their communities. After years of struggle, the FCC recognized the legitimacy of these efforts, and issued regulations authorizing the licensing of hundreds, if not thousands, of LPFM stations. But the NAB, NPR and Congress refused to leave well enough alone" Korn said.

In response, the National Association of Broadcasters and National Public Radio lobbied Congress to overturn the FCC's Low Power Radio service and protect their economic and corporate interests that dominate the airwaves. Congress dutifully drafted legislation pursuant to the NAB's and NPR's request. The influence that Enron exercised over the Bush White House pales in comparison to the power that the NAB holds over the Congress.

Today's decision is unquestionably a victory for the microradio movement. Today's court's decision is typified by the incredulity with which it evaluated the government's argument that Congress did not intend to regulate the content of microradio broadcasts. Rejecting the government's claim, the court suggested instead that Congress' "objective was not to increase regulatory compliance, but to penalize microbroadcasters' 'message'."

This morning's decision is the culmination of the efforts of thousands of microradio broadcasters who had the courage to take to the airwaves in spite of regulations prohibiting anybody but the rich from broadcasting, and to their legal supporters: the National Lawyers Guild Center for Democratic Communications, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and in particular to Robert Perry and Barbara Olshansky.
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by Wankstor X. Muzzlebutt (systemp [at]
While it's nice to see a legal victory in the microradio battle, this is definitely overstating the importance of the court's ruling by quite a bit.

First of all, the DC District Court did NOTHING to overturn the draconian channel-protection rules of the new LPFM serivce.

This rule did NOTHING to open up more space on the radio dial ANYWHERE - it still remains fact that 80% of the U.S. won't hear a legal LPFM station anytime AT ALL.

Second, one complete national cycle of application windows for new LPFM licenses has come and gone. In many cases, where frequencies were made available, they're already in the process of or have been snapped up.

Third, this does not necessarily "vindicate" past or current "pirates." The FCC has always been VERY arbitrary in the way they've enforced "character qualifications" for licenses....folks like Lonnie Kobres get six months house arrest and a $8,500 fine for microbroadcasting; GE (a multiple felon) owns networks; Enron pirated on dozens of frequencies with hundreds of radio systems for five years and made a "voluntary contribution to the U.S. Treasury" of $7,500; Allan Weiner, a confessed AM, FM and shortwave pirate now holds a license for a 50KW shortwave station in Maine.

Because of this ruling, the FCC will probably default back to its original proposal for dealing with pirates; if you went off the air by the time the rulemaking was issued, or you shut down after first contact from the Pheds, then you can still apply. But it still remains to be seen what the FCC will actually do - and remember, baby Powell's in charge now, and he's publicly stated that he has no love for LPFM.

While it is nice to see the courts finally validate the civil disobedience argument for microradio, this BY NO MEANS will spark massive change in the status quo.

Let's work to make the crumbs we've got as good as they can be, and keep seizing the airwaves by any means necessary. I'm hungry for good news on this front, too, but let's keep shit in perspective.


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