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Flashpoints Radio July 18, 2001: Israel STOP; Kissinger CAUTION; Tooth Fairy GO!

by Jaguar Johnny (webmaster(at)
KPFA Flashpoints Radio July 18, 2001: (link to audio in 'full story' text below)
- Israel prepares to invade Palestine.. again.. (11 min)
- Bernstein Interview w Christopher Hitchins, author of the "Trial of Henry Kissinger" (35 min)
- Tooth Fairy Project update (6 min)
- SF Events: HK Protest tomorrow, labor video screening (2 min)
Wednesday, July 18, 2001 - Start Audio \"for
-00:00\"Palestinian Dennis Bernstein: Israel moves tanks and troops into Palestine.. more death squad tactics.. two mortar shells land on Israeli settlement.. Interview w Hussein Ibish of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee: a \'virtual\' ceasefire, never really existed.. on paper only.. Israeli and Palestinians both getting killed.. the \'ceasefire\' provided no framework.. need to dismantle the Israeli occupation.. the notion of Palestinian aggression.. Israel made no secret of the fact of plans to re-occupy.. dire warning.. destroy the Palestinian.. Israeli\'s building toward.. trying to get US green light.. Janes\' Defense Magazine... an invasion would.. force the creation of a more radical Palestinian.. incredibly dangerous thing for the Israelis to do.. incredibly reckless.. but (countries have done such things) even if it backfires.. desperate colonial action.. it\'s only American support and aid.. that allows the Israelis to even contemplate... they continue to assassinate Palestinians, shoot demonstrators, demolish homes.. (but continue) painting the Palestinians as somehow the aggressive party..
-10:50 Dennis: The real scoop on Henry Kissinger: w Christopher Hitchins, author of the "Trial of Henry Kissinger", (amazon)* (reviews). Hitchins: Nixon and Kissinger\'s secret operation caught on videotape stealing the 1972 election by bribing the corrupt South Vietnamese officials.. Kissinger\'s second career, a consulting firm, facilitating dictator/corporate networking.. third career: publishing stolen US state department documents.. KISSINGER A ONE MAN INTERNATIONAL ROLLING CRIME WAVE
-16:10 Dennis: more history of Henry Kissinger.. Hitchins: macro crimes and micro crimes.. macro: war crimes.. the first article of Nixon\'s impeachment, the illegal bombing of Cambodia.. HK has gotten 3 summons from 3 separate courts in 3 different countries (Chile, France, ).. victims can now sue for wrongful death.. HK fled Paris, wouldn\'t answer questions.. from now until the day he dies he will subject to questioning.. possibly a charge of treason in the US.. the Nuremberg law against intentionally destroying civilians.. *aerial bombing not included because US/English prosecutors had a guilty consciense*.. how do we look other societies in the eye?.. knowledge of the plumbers.. HK the unindicted co-conspirator of Watergate.. he told Nixon to burn the tapes.. no statue of limitations.. quoting Gore Vidal: why did we all forget this?.. not the language we speak to the Serbs, the Germans..
-24:20 actions in Bangladesh.. the China opening.. through a covert action.. criminal disaster.. HK and Nixon sent a secret emmissary to China, the butcher of Bangladesh.. HK kept him supplied with arms.. gave him diplomatic cover.. result: 2,500,000 Banglalese died.. genocide
-28:30 about Chile.. \"Salvadore Salvadore Allende the democratically elected president.. Nixon/Kissinger design that the Allende must go.. recently uncovered CIA documents astounding.. the murder of General Snider.. murdered Chilean democrats, went on to murder Chilean democracy..
-31:40 Indonesia, Burma.. HK \'in bed\' with Suharta.. the recent emergence of democracy in East Timor.. HK might be prosecutable.. HK in the same room with Indonesian Army when they launched their initial invasion of East Timor.. HK made sure they got weapons regardless of congressional ban.. the intentional policy of genocide against the people of East Timor.. a very very grave violation of the genocide convention.. HK HAS A DIRECT PERSONAL INTIMATE COMPLICITY..
-37:00 the mid 70\'s forgive and forget about Nixon and HK crimes.. a US phenomenon.. not binding on other countries.. ghosts from Chile, East Timor.. obscene that HK is invited on ABC news as an \'impartial\' commentator.. a tremendous scandal.. complicity of the mass media.. Dennis: why the media coddling of HK?.. Hitchins: the press missed a very big story, it\'ll be a cold day in hell when the media admits that..
-43:30 Dennis: reaction to the book? Hitchins: Kissinger said Hitchins is an \'anti-semite\'.. Hitchins is suing HK for that.. wants a full retraction.. HK\'s crimes against humanity.. being sheltered from questioning by Bush cronies..
-46:00 Dennis: major protest tomorrow: more info: 415-821-6545 or International Action Center
-47:20 update on the ongoing \'Tooth Fairy Project\' (link2), whose scientists yesterday confronted NRC at a hearing in Florida.. w Jerry Brown, research associate with the Radiation and Public Health Project: a national study to measure the radiation in baby teeth, especially those living near nuclear reactors.. yesterday hearing about the Turkey Point reactors, 25 miles south of Miami.. finding of the baby tooth study shows levels of Strontium 90 as high as from fallout in th 60\'s.. gov/ind not measuring S-90 anymore.. government taking Tooth Fairy findings \"under review\", but going ahead with relicensing Turkey Point, and so not to interfere w Bush/Cheney \'energy initiatives\'.. study documented a link between increasing childhood cancers and S-90 in baby teeth.. call 800-582-3716 to send in baby teeth.. See Flashpoints show Monday July 16 for more information or go to
Dennis: Event Announcements: BIG anti-Kissinger protest tomorrow, 11:30 -1pm, Fairmont Hotel, California and Mason Streets, SF. mo info 415-821-6545 or International Action Center
Event 2: Days of Humanity, powerful Korean labor video screening 7PM tomorrow July 19 Mission Cultural Center at 2868 Missionat 25th Str. SF... see: review at: \'this page\' (scroll down ~1/4)
*(If possible please buy this book from your own local independent bookseller)
-56:00 End today\'s show.. today\'s review by john lionheart
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