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Indybay Feature

Stop Corporate Welfare!

by David Hanks/Global Exchange (david [at]
Stop Corporate Welfare!
San Francisco--Supervisor Chris Daly addressed demonstrators gathered at City Hall who had walked the 'Corporate Tour of Shame' on Monday. A group of more than 50 protested outside PG&E, Bechtel, Chevron, and The GAP -- some of the largest corporations in San Francisco -- which are pursuing a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the City of San Francisco. According to background provided by the SF Supervisors, hundreds of corporations are claiming San Francisco's business tax is unconstitutional and that it discriminates against interstate commerce because a local company may be exempt from a measure (tax) that a non-local company paid. The demonstrators brought their message straight to City Hall, where the Supervisors were holding a special hearing about the case. They called it a perfect example of corporate welfare. According to Supervisor Daly, "if this board votes to settle today it could cost the city $800 million. That's $800 million that we won't have for our neighborhoods, social programs, for our seniors and our kids." (David Hanks/Global Exchange -- Monday 9 April 2001)
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