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Indybay Feature

renters warning - Hayward

by John D. (crunch [at]
What everyone should know about this landlord in Hayward...
WARNING - Do NOT rent from this person.... Joanne Gardner from Advantage Realty will publish lower rents then market value in the newpaper, but when people move in - within 2 months, she raises the rent up more then $250... Of course she always files for an "exception" which makes her avoid rent control in Hayward.

She deliberately takes advantage of the housing situation for HER gain, and the misfortune to anyone who was suckered into living here, so she can keep the deposits people pay, and raise the rent everytime someone moves out.... but she don't raise the rent until after the unlickey tenant moves in. This is her SCAM.

I'm collecting testimony from other tenants in this area, and plan to come back here and add them to this article as soon as I can gether them up.

People living here are subject to 24 hour survaillance, and the comings and goings of every one of my visitors are duly recorded.

Not only that, but she somehow can access my financlal records and somehow learned of some private financial transactions I've had to make, to adjust to her rent increases. Her habits are to offer units at "below" market value to get them to move in, so they can collect your deposit. Then, within 2 months, she increases the rent $150, and her 2nd rent increase will typically be another $250, and by that time, people would just move out.

The turnaround here is an average of about 4 - 6 months.

We are also forced to allow her to "inspect" the facilities under the guise of "maintenence", and if she finds anything like spots on the carpets, she usually demands tenants to replace the carpets or have them cleaned but we have to use HER cleaning company.

In previous situations, we've overheard her talk to ome of her contractors while she was bragging about her scam to force tenants to move out so she can keep their deposit and rope in more un-suspecting tenants.

This area is habited by low income hispanic people, hard working, and barely strugging to survive.

I think that other potentual renters should know about her scams...
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