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District Attorney Presses Charges Against Two Free Speech Activists Arrested During NAB Convention Protest

by Andrea Buffa (ma [at]
District Attorney Presses Charges Against Two Free Speech Activists Arrested During NAB Convention Protest at Clear Channel Communications; Activists’ Attorneys Also Face Charges. Clear Channel station KYLD "Doghouse" DJs who tried to instigate a fight with protestors include Joseph (Big Joe) Lopez who faces charges in San Mateo County for another provocative on-air incident
For immediate release: Contact:
September 28, 2000 Andrea Buffa (415) 546-6334 x309; cell: (415) 999-7985

District Attorney Presses Charges Against Two Free Speech Activists Arrested During NAB Convention Protest at Clear Channel Communications; Activists’ Attorneys Also Face Charges

Clear Channel station KYLD "Doghouse" DJs who tried to instigate a fight with protestors include Joseph (Big Joe) Lopez who faces charges in San Mateo County for another provocative on-air incident

San Francisco, CA—On Monday, the district attorney’s office dropped charges against seven free speech protestors who "interrupted" the National Association of Broadcasters’ convention last week, but decided to press charges against two activists who were arrested in front of Clear Channel Communications last Friday morning. The activists’ attorneys, who were arrested when police banned them from 850 Bryant and denied them access to their clients, will be arraigned on Friday, October 6 at 9 a.m.

The activists still facing charges were arrested after KYLD "Doghouse" DJs Elvis (Dan Lay) and Big Joe (Joseph Lopez) attempted to instigate a physical fight, verbally abusing and shoving protesters who marched to the Clear Channel building from a protest at the Moscone Center. Police did nothing to stop the actions by the DJs but did arrest two demonstrators after the marchers began to voluntarily disperse. Today’s Chronicle reported that the San Mateo County District Attorney filed charges against Joseph Lopez and another KYLD DJ for a provocative stunt they pulled in August.

Protestors are considering pressing charges against the KYLD DJs and filing a complaint with the FCC. They have video and audio recordings of the altercation in front of Clear Channel. The incident was also broadcast live by the Doghouse DJs on their Friday morning show.

"Radio and TV stations are supposed to operate in the public interest. But what do the KYLD morning show DJs do when confronted with the serious concerns of members of the public? They verbally and physically attack the public," said Andrea Buffa, executive director of Media Alliance.

The protest at Clear Channel was only one of a series of educational events, rallies, marches, and concerts that were organized to protest the National Association of Broadcasters during its radio convention in San Francisco. The NAB is one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the United States and is currently lobbying against legalized Low Power FM radio stations.

On Friday, "direct action day" nine people were arrested, including four young activists who locked themselves together with bicycle locks on the NAB convention floor. Media activists also disrupted the NAB’s FCC Congressional Breakfast by grabbing the microphone from NAB President Eddie Fritts.

On Saturday, more than a thousand free speech activists rallied at United Nations Plaza, then marched to Union Square for a concert by independent musicians. After the concert, they took to the streets and marched to the Hilton Hotel to speak directly to the NAB. Thirty police in riot gear stood guard at the Hilton and prevented protestors from entering. Inside the hotel, the NAB presented its Marconi Radio Awards to radio personalities including Rush Limbaugh, who won "Network Syndicated Personality of the Year."

For info. on the NAB, see; for news on the NAB protests, see
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by Ted Coopman (ted [at]
I find it hard to believe if the protesters started to push, shove, threaten, and verbally abuse the Clear Channel DJ's, that the SFPD would have stood idily by. On the contrary, they would have waded in with clubs swinging. To threaten someone verbally or with agressive physical jesturing when you are within touching distance is a crime: it's called assault. To lay hands on another person in a violent fashion without their permission is also a crime: it's called battery. The SFPD, however, were more concerned it seems with a broken window and beating people up and arresting them for not being on the sidewalk. This bias is obviously politically based and unconstitutional.

It is clear the SFPD chose to ignore a a crime in progress. Since there is video tape of the event, it is imparative that those who were assaulted by these jerks file both criminal and civil charges against them. Like their boss Clear Channel, they feel that they can act with impunity and above the law. Likewise, the SFPD officers who failed to act to "serve and protect" the public should have complaints filed against them.

This is important. We are constantly harrassed for the slightest miss-step or infraction while others clearly commit major crimes and get away with it. We need to hold their feet to fire EVERY time they step out of line. Those who were visctimized need to step-up, no one can do this for them.
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