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Indybay Feature
Sat Mar 12 2005
Pakistani Man Charged With Making False Claim on Loan Application
Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx Faces Deportation Due to Possible Computer Error
Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx reports that her husband, Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, was arrested on July 28, 2004, charged with making a false claim of being a U.S. citizen on a loan application (at that time he had a Green Card) - this was apparently a computer error, not the fault of Mr. Xxxxxx. His legal team found out that the way that the government had done its investigation was by cross referencing with Homeland Security or Immigration records to identify the citizenship of all persons who received these SBA (Small Business Association) Loans.

As a result of Mr. Xxxxxx not pleading guilty to False Claim of Citizenship and being automatically deported, the prosecutor has charged him with Bank Fraud. Since the charge of False Claim of Citizenship was not a strong case, because Hafeez provided a copy to the bank of his social security card which clearly states Not Authorized to work without INS approval, the federal prosecutor has charged him with Bank Fraud.

Ms. Xxxxxx says, "This is the result of how the government is using criminal courts alongside of immigration enforcement to target, prosecute and uproot Muslim families, deporting them... My husband's only crime is being born in Pakistan and being Muslim. I am a born white American and his children are american/pakistani. My father fought in Viet Nam. This is not what I feel they are or were fighting for, to victimize people. I feel I have no choice but to turn to the citizens and beg for his mercy for a innocent mistake in not reading every single page (of the loan application)....Let me again remind you that this investigation did not start by Bank Fraud investigation, terrorism or money laundering. However it was started off by cross referencing Nationality and Citizenship...What a big price to pay for coming to America. Here America claims Pakistan is our Allies, but yet this is how Pakistanis are being treated, unlike the British?"

The trial is set to begin on March 21st at the Harris County Federal Courthouse, at 515 Rusk, in Houston, Texas. The Judge is Mrs. Nancy Atlas. Read more
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